Dummy, have you read any of my posts before you reply? You like to take one sentence out of one post to make your point. I said I get why this is wrong. Go back and read my first post on this. I get why using MindPlay in this way is using a device to predict the outcome of the game, which the courts have said is illegal. No one is disputing this. This has nothing to do with the current ASM allegations. That is the point of this discussion. All we know is ASMs have the potential to cheat. I don't think anybody would disagree with that. I can think of many, many ways an ASM could be used to cheat. I can think of many, many ways a dealer can cheat. Have you ever heard of dealing seconds? I can think of many, many ways a casino can cheat.
My point is all we have is a bunch of APs and ploppies who have constantly accused the casinos of using ASMs to cheat. What I want is some proof. That's all. I will believe anything if I see some proof. I'm tired of reading about all this idle speculation on various bj sites on how a casino might be able to use an ASM to cheat. What surprised me is how many reputable people within the blackjack community commented on this. This is partially what gave these new allegations legs. You don't see any serious scientist commenting on the validity of the latest nutball saying they saw Big Foot.
As far as the downfall of MindPlay, it had much more to do with its costs and it didn't work well then with this one lawsuit. MindPlay never got into wide spread use by casinos. Most people haven't heard of it and it was around for 5 years. Look it up. It's misleading people to say this one lawsuit played much of a role in MindPlays downfall. The technology didn't work well and it was very expensive.but there is a lot of credible evidence that they at least used to exist. I will wait for proof but won't call anyone that thinks they saw one a quack. If someone I trusted said they saw one that would be good enough for me. Nobody I have talked to sounded certain about what they saw.
bjo32 said:
As far as the downfall of MindPlay, it had much more to do with its costs and it didn't work well then with this one lawsuit. MindPlay never got into wide spread use by casinos.
I am well versed in Misplay case. Obviously from your erroneous misinformation that started this intercourse, I know more than you do. Why it failed is not at issue here. I just called you on erroneous statements since you tried to speak with expertise that your statements easily betray as false.
bjo32 said:
Dummy, have you read any of my posts before you reply? You like to take one sentence out of one post to make your point. I said I get why this is wrong. Go back and read my first post on this. I get why using MindPlay in this way is using a device to predict the outcome of the game, which the courts have said is illegal. No one is disputing this. This has nothing to do with the current ASM allegations. That is the point of this discussion. All we know is ASMs have the potential to cheat. I don't think anybody would disagree with that. I can think of many, many ways an ASM could be used to cheat. I can think of many, many ways a dealer can cheat. Have you ever heard of dealing seconds? I can think of many, many ways a casino can cheat.
My point is all we have is a bunch of APs and ploppies who have constantly accused the casinos of using ASMs to cheat. What I want is some proof. That's all. I will believe anything if I see some proof. I'm tired of reading about all this idle speculation on various bj sites on how a casino might be able to use an ASM to cheat. What surprised me is how many reputable people within the blackjack community commented on this. This is partially what gave these new allegations legs. You don't see any serious scientist commenting on the validity of the latest nutball saying they saw Big Foot.
As far as the downfall of MindPlay, it had much more to do with its costs and it didn't work well then with this one lawsuit. MindPlay never got into wide spread use by casinos. Most people haven't heard of it and it was around for 5 years. Look it up. It's misleading people to say this one lawsuit played much of a role in MindPlays downfall. The technology didn't work well and it was very expensive.
bjo32 said:
Btw, when I read some of your posts, I think you and I are more aligned on this that you think. I feel like we're somewhat arguing but really saying the same thing.
Perhaps. I remain somewhat skeptical but KJ is credible in my book and has me taking it more seriously.