For any shuffle tracker


Well-Known Member
Ferretnparrot said:
Take note that you know the TC of the entire cuttoof from the previous shoe, and even though it is broken into three segments pending the plugs, the tc stil apllies to each fo those segments, the one placed on the bottom of the shoe will become the top of the shoe mixed with cards with an average tc that is figurable by taking not of the pentration from the previous shoe.
I agree that this would be the correct way to do it, however I still think the information would be practically worthless. Since the Cut-offs are being broke into three piles, you need to ASSUME an average count for the bottom plug. I don't know off the top of my head the probability of the average count actually being the correct count for the small plug in question, but from experience I would say not great. Then once again you need to assume the count of the other half deck that this plug is mixing with in the first shuffle. This has even less of a chance of being accurate.
I guess what I'm getting at is that all these assumptions and averages are going to end up increasing your variance and risk tremendously if you place a large bet into what you think to be a negative playing area.
The only thing that I would do in this scenario is to either cut this section of interst to the front of the shoe if I came to the conclusion that it was a +ve section (to help build a +ve count), or cut this section to an area right before the cut card if I thought it was a negative slug, and that way counting the first 4.5/8 decks (assuming 6.5/8 pen) would help verify the count of the tracked slug.


Active Member
Hey everyone just a little comment about the video, i was the one filming the video, i read a couple of replies mentionned that the shuffle isnt professional enough, i just wanted to add that the shuffle is exactly like that but there were a time i have added cards to the left pack during the first part shuffle because the deck at the left was slimmer and normally it should have been proportionnal, they always take half deck both hand to riffle, that is the correct measure. And we know what we were doing, its just that we were talking and we replaced the dialogue by the music. If ever there is parts unclear to you in the video u can ask me it will a pleasure for me to explain

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
li_ka_shing168 said:
So finally what is the conclusion? this shuffle can't be tracked and can't be ace predicted?:confused:
Ace predicting and shuffle tracking are different.

Ace prediciting can be done in several ways.

Other than BJQueen playing Hot/Cold I think the consensus is this shuffle is very difficult to beat.


For fear of being ridiculed, as i have been. I feel this is not the forum that i want to share ANYTHING with. This is a shame as the few people i have been in contact with in a private capacity have been very courteous and forthright.
It seems to me that alot of the replys i have had to my posts are rather amateurish and narrowminded.
Thanks to the posters who have replied to my PM'S, may you all prosper, most have been very informative.
I got what i came here to acheive, so thanks all.


I will just add one thing before i leave, every game, every shuffle is different.
Sometimes you get something out of the ordinary that you can maximize to its fullest. Thats the true point to my postings. If you are clever (i am not the cleverest) you can clean up.

Of course i have found something, but lets be honest, it makes no sense to publish it on a public forum, would you?
My point, from the start has been to try and advise you that if you look just a bit deeper and a bit more thoroughly you will get your edge. Thats all.

This forum has many mediocre contributers, but it also has some guys that are gems (very few and far between).
The guys here that i have PM'D i thank you for your responses (the gems)
Maybe one day our paths will cross.



Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
This forum has many mediocre contributers, but it also has some guys that are gems (very few and far between).

Gems are mediocre contributors when all they say is they have found some secrets.


Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
For fear of being ridiculed, as i have been. I feel this is not the forum that i want to share ANYTHING with. This is a shame as the few people i have been in contact with in a private capacity have been very courteous and forthright.
It seems to me that alot of the replys i have had to my posts are rather amateurish and narrowminded.
Thanks to the posters who have replied to my PM'S, may you all prosper, most have been very informative.
I got what i came here to acheive, so thanks all.
Honestly, i cant remember any memorable post of yours, coming here trying to give impression of knowing things that no one else knows is not very helpful to say the least...

In any case the original question was whether the shuffle presented is trackable, yes the shuffle is trackable but it is not profitable, it is a TRIPLE pass shuffle, your tracked slug is being diluted three times (twice with the stutter shuffle and once with the zone shuffle).


You can't remember my memorable posts because most of my posts were in PM's.
Obviously, you were not someone i felt to correspond with. :)


Well-Known Member
Come one come all - i'm looking for one of these mysterious posters who BJQ has been having secret conversations of great importence with to step forward and validate her story - you don't need to spill the beans, just let us know that what she's spoken to you about showed the degree of knowledge that she claims to have (ie legitimate) and is not already in the public domain.
Personally, given her poor error filled public posts upto this point i can't forsee her private messages carrying any pearls of wisdom. In fact it's been suggested to me by a very credible source that this fish may not be a fish at all, but a fisherman.



RJT said:
Come one come all - i'm looking for one of these mysterious posters who BJQ has been having secret conversations of great importence with to step forward and validate her story - you don't need to spill the beans, just let us know that what she's spoken to you about showed the degree of knowledge that she claims to have (ie legitimate) and is not already in the public domain.
Personally, given her poor error filled public posts upto this point i can't forsee her private messages carrying any pearls of wisdom. In fact it's been suggested to me by a very credible source that this fish may not be a fish at all, but a fisherman.

lol, maybe.

The one thing we all have in common is "fishing"
Depends on what your catch is though!
I am convinced that this site is read by alot of ppl, some that are connected to the casinos, in fact, i know it is.
thats why my PM's (my choosing) are sent to "genuine" members.
Cmon now. you can't blame me!


Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
For fear of being ridiculed, as i have been. I feel this is not the forum that i want to share ANYTHING with. This is a shame as the few people i have been in contact with in a private capacity have been very courteous and forthright.
It seems to me that alot of the replys i have had to my posts are rather amateurish and narrowminded.
Thanks to the posters who have replied to my PM'S, may you all prosper, most have been very informative.
I got what i came here to acheive, so thanks all.
Guess what, people are making money from this. Would you expect the CEO of a large corporation to reveal all of his competitive secrets to you on national television? Of course not. That's why people use PM's.


moo321 said:
Guess what, people are making money from this. Would you expect the CEO of a large corporation to reveal all of his competitive secrets to you on national television? Of course not. That's why people use PM's.
Quite right indeed.


Well-Known Member

So what is your purpose of visiting this public site then? I suggest you just keep your secrets and feel proud. If you want to impress others, you cannot just say you are good.


Well-Known Member

Your two words of beating roulette, biased wheel, are so out of date and old. I do not see anything new of your own. Agreed? A real innovation should be able to beat ANY roulette. It is all defined by the laws of physics.


Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
You absolutely have no idea do you. All my correspondence is done through PM.
Consider yourself ignored.
Lol - seems like your PM buddies must be embarrased to be associated with you. Not one of them was even prepared to say they'd had a conversation over PM with you! You're sure you're not PMing yourself?



Well-Known Member
psyduck said:

Your two words of beating roulette, biased wheel, are so out of date and old. I do not see anything new of your own. Agreed? A real innovation should be able to beat ANY roulette. It is all defined by the laws of physics.
Get used to this. BJQ will be flaunting her extensive "knowledge" round here for a while and it will always fall into this template :-


I hinted at this above, but i really would encourage keeping tight lipped and not discussing anything sensative or new at any time around here (or on any other public forum).



You have no idea.
20 years of playing bj for a living gives me a bit more insight into the game than most of you turds on here.
Enough said.
Please stop PM,ing me about the games i play because obviously i am not going to disclose it. Thats it for now ok.


Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
20 years of playing bj for a living gives me a bit more insight into the game than most of you turds on here.
And can i just say - your knowledge and experience really shows through in your posts :laugh:
