For any shuffle tracker


Well-Known Member
Let's just clear up my issue here - there are many players with year if not decades of experience beating a huge variety of casino games posting on this site. We're lucky enough to get imput for the likes of James Grosjean who i would reckon is one of the most successful players of all time never mind the skill he has for finding new weaknesses in games. We've got at least one very experienced MIT player who has played every sort of game you can think of. We've got Bojack - a player who's ran his own team for years and has played professionally for well over a decade. Alongside these three whose credentials i can and have verified with other sources i trust - we have many others who i can't vouch for but do believe are experienced from the knowledge they show when posting. They don't have to share hitherto unknowen material, their experience shines through what ever subject they choose to post on. In my experience of players with experience, they can't help but show it if you know what you are looking for.
BJQ, your posts show none of these traits. I'm not pissed at you because you're not sharing your secrets - if you had them i'd prefer you to keep them off the boards and not even share them over PM. I have plenty of my own that have made me more than enough to be considered a successful advantage player. I'm pissed because you're posts don't show any experience at all and very convincingly portray you as an amature and a lier. I'm pissed because i think you're posts are trying to lead others to reveal their knowledge to you. Nothing about anything that you've posted even suggests that you are who you say you are and if we're all "turds" you should know better than to get in a pissing competition with us and just refrain from posting. It's not like you've added anything to any of the conversations you've been involved in so far.



Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
Please stop PM,ing me about the games i play because obviously i am not going to disclose it.
And finally, perhaps i'm reading this wrong and you are telling someone else to stop PM'ing you but just in case - i have never PM'd you about anything what-so-ever and would be unlikely to seek your advice regarding any playing topic. I'm prepared to have the moderators here verify that and if you're implying that i have, posting a screen shot of one of my PM's would be proof enough that i'm a lier.



Well-Known Member
BJQueen said:
You have no idea.
20 years of playing bj for a living gives me a bit more insight into the game than most of you turds on here.
Enough said.
Please stop PM,ing me about the games i play because obviously i am not going to disclose it. Thats it for now ok.
The following is a post you made in another thread:

Do you include the MIT guys in this?
I have been flitting around casinos since i was 18, i am now 28 and am a successful BJ player, Entrepreneur, mother, sex slave, cook, cleaner and much more.
Never did me any harm!

So am I to believe that you have been playing professionally since you were 8 years old?! I mean with your expert counting and math skills you must be able to calculate that if you're 28 years old, playing BJ for a living for 20 years, that makes you quite an interesting 8 year old.

Not that you held any credibility to begin with, but your rather silly seemingly contradictory statements lead one to believe you are a liar or at the very least a stretcher of the truth. Either way, you seem quite confused in who you want to be here.


Well-Known Member
The value of the bottom plug (the tc of that plug) is the same as the tc of the segment of cards not dealt the previous shoe dispite it being broken up into smaller segments.

By taking not of the penetration form the previous shoe(while using a balanced system) you can know the average value of the "unknown cards" that the bottom slug is mixed with.

For example 8 deck shoe 2 decks cut off, you figures the running count of the cutoff to be -18 yeilding a tc of -9 this means that the running count of the remaining 6 decks is +18 yeilding a tc of +3

now when the cards are shuffled together you now know the average tc of the new segment of cards by factoring them together. YOu add the two true counts and divide them by two, you dont simply add them together

thats how it rock the shuffles, i never read a book on it though, im just winging it