Well-Known Member
Very observant, Machinist. I guess I could say I was "gambling" with the casino's money, since I was $700 or $800 winner at the time, but that would be kidding myself. I'd be the first one to say that once you win it, it's your money, not theirs. Still, it's a tiny bit justified by that fact-- but the deep, empty feeling inside when I blew that $300 told me that I should never try that stupid move again.Machinist said:Ladies and gentlemen our brother Aslan has a problem. Like Sagefrog said, what the hech happened to the nickle tables. And for that matter the quarter tables!!!!. Ya had to play a 50$ table to "get even"??
This was a fun trip?? Reading it I felt I was on Mr Toads wild ride!!!!
Starwars???? Geeze 300 bucks??? 300 bucks to me is still a lot of money,,,,
That's like a fill and a half of diesel fuel in my truck....
Here's a suggestion Aslan, bring 500 bucks with ya and play nickles, heck maybe 300 would do it.
Me thinks this sounded more like a "gambling trip" than an AP trip.
But hey,,,,,ya couldn't sleep soooooooooooo
Now the $25 table bit. Maybe I should only play $5 or $10, but my experience in the past is that those low bets do not hold my interest much. I actually play a lot better at the $25 level, not that there isn't more risk, but I don't get as sloppy figuring it's only $5. Lack of discipline I suppose. Yup, you caught me gambling. :cry: But the way I was playing did seem to lower the variance considerably, so that I was never in danger of losing a humongous amount. Also, I played a lot of two hands, which seemed to lower variance even more. It seemed like hands tened to cancel out a lot buying me more time to wait for those super good shoes where you make a lot of money on doubles, splits and blackjacks. But should I really get in trouble, I still do keep the count and I can still revert to my old standby, an 8 to 10 unit spread.