Quinc said:
yes i relise that b.s is the best way to win at blackjack in the long run.. but what about trends?
The problem with trends is that they are not predictable. Just because the dealer busted several times doesn’t mean that they will continue to bust. You never know if they will continue of not.
In fact, the truth is that there are no trends at all! Our human minds are always trying to make sense out of randomness. Our minds are designed to “figure things out.“ We sometimes impose “patterns” or “streaks” on things that are inherently random and unpredictable. When the results stop conforming to this imaginary system we have developed, we say “Oh, the streak must be over now” but in reality it was never there to begin with. It was all just a figment of our imagination.
Quinc said:
if your playing roulette and red comes up 50 times in a row are you going to bet black?
No. In fact, I wouldn’t bet at all because the house still has the advantage! No matter what bet I make, I should expect to lose 5.26% of my money.
This is where the “trend” and “streak” players get into trouble. Half of them will say “Red is on a streak! Keep betting red!” while the other half say “Red was on a streak so now it should come up black!” They don’t even agree on how to use these streaks that they find! Many of them would have switched to black after 10 reds came up, or 20, or 40. Those poor “streak” players would have gone broke by the 50th spin. That is because the “trends” are completely unpredictable and therefore do not offer us any advantage. Hell, if I knew that the next 50 spins were going to be red I would bet everything I had! But I don’t, and neither do you. Nobody does.
In reality, there is no advantage to betting on either red or black in that situation. The odds do not change, and the house still has those two green spots that will take
everybody's money. Both outcomes are equally likely to occur on the next spin, and the house edge is still the same as it is on every other spin. There is absolutely no intelligent reason to think otherwise.
Quinc said:
yes alot of what i did was wrong, but it worked. yes i do fully agree with everyone that what i did went against all the rules. but it worked.....
This goes back to the “crashing your car” analogy. If you continue to break the rules then you should expect to pay the price. Maybe you will get “lucky” and only get a ticket for blowing through the stop sign, but if you continue to make the same mistakes for long enough then you will definitely crash your car and possibly die. Making bad decisions in blackjack may results in a few extra wins here and there, but you will eventually start to pay for your mistakes. You may only lose your winnings back, but if you play long enough then you will definitely go broke. That is a fact. Even playing perfect BS will lead to going broke, just much slower.
My advise is to either quit while you’re ahead or learn to play properly. It’s really none of my business so feel free to tell me to buzz off, but this website is designed to help people become better players. You have gotten a lot of advise from many different people here, all for free! If you are not going to listen to us, please don’t waste our time by asking for our help. We are more than happy to help you, if you let us.