Happy Hour In Retrospect
OK, guys! I finally got to shake loose from the Colonies here and spent the whole week in good ol' Renotowne. First, thank you Quinc! It was really fun.The first day,Thursday, the "kid" and I got there at 9:50 A.M. and promptly asked the dealer about the game. She told us that this was the table and the pit boss would change the sign in a few minutes. The table already had 5 sitting , so there was only one slot left which I took.(told the "kid" to go entertain himself by checking out the "eye candy" on the $3 table.) I really had no particular betting strategy other than the usual bet ramping with the count. Started with $10-20 to get a "feel" of the game. Ended up the hour net+$35.00. I knew I could do better the next go round, so later in the day we started to figure out a more effective betting stategy. The "kid" and I agreed on a strategy of single deck BS, bets based on the ace count. Since there are 6 players, the dealer only deals 2 rounds, so only one round is left to bet ramping. Figuring that the bulk of the bonuses are dependent on the aces, I told the "kid" to play $15 on round one and adjust the second round bet on the # of aces played on the first.That seemed to work. The next day, Friday, I walked out +$125. Monday-$75 and finally Thurs. +100. Net result for 4 sessions=$185.BTW, the "kid"=+$170..Not bad. Any help from you wizards would be greatly appreciated, since it goes through the end of the year and I'd like to give it another try.