I am a casino dealer


Well-Known Member
Doesn't have to be much...

walrus_poker said:
May I ask, what do you like to see the dealer say when he is new to the table. Like, hi how is everyone today/tonight, or Hello, or, smile?
A hello with a smile is good enough. Maybe say good luck just as you start to deal.

I'm not thrilled with people who say how are you today. As if they really care. As if I'm really going to tell them. But that's just one of my personal pet peeves.
SystemsTrader said:
Always show the burn card. I hate asking as it draws so much attention and usually from other players. On more than one occasion I've had other players comment "Only counters want to see the burn card".
I know what you mean, when I used to ask for the burnt card, they would say similar things. I just show it, but at some tables, people dont want to see it, I usually ask does anyone want to see the burnt card softly. We actually have to announce showing burnt card.


Well-Known Member
1) Wish all players Good Luck when you start dealing.
2) Wish any player who joins the table Good Luck.
Those are simple. Doesn't change the cards, but makes ya feel someone's pullin' for ya.

Also....(for games dealt face up)
3) I like it when the dealer adds your total out loud as they deal.
I'm adding too, but it's nice to hear my total in case I mis-added.
Do Vegas dealers do this?
I've only played on gambling boats and cruise ship casinos.
First Vegas trip is next week.

4) Don't pass over me until I've given my signal for hit or stand.
On some hands, like A6 or A7 especially, the dealer wanted to (wrongly)assume I was always going to stand. You had to catch them quick before they gave your card to the next player.

5) Just be pleasant. Win or lose, I don't blame the dealer.
Unfortunately, some players do.
But, then, some players are just rude and obnoxious.


New Member
Best Dealers

My favorite dealers are those that matter of factly call out my hand total, since I may not instantly grasp that 2-3-6-A-5 is not plus three and is really 17. They play at a steady pace, but, not too fast, and especially do not scoop up discards on the other side of the table quickly and blocking the view at any time. While it may be nice to give me advice on Basic Strategy at times it is often unwelcomed, such a long dissertation by the dealer and a pit boss on how I should insure a 21. You mentioned 14 versus 4, well, what if the count is negative eighteen, maybe I'd hit it for the heck of it? And the number one help to me is a dealer who doesn't get nervous if I push a bet in for them when the count is high so we can both make money from the casino. It's kind of an oxymoron since I want a dealer to lose to me and a Casino wants one to win my money and they may even fire losing dealers.


Well-Known Member
MadMan said:
they may even fire losing dealers.
It is possible to be a losing dealer? All you have to do to be a winning dealer is deal out the cards and make correct payouts. That doesn't sound too hard!


Well-Known Member
avs21 said:
If a dealer wins all the time the casino doesn't like that. They could loose their job
The dealer doesn't have anything to do with winning or losing. The cards, not the dealer make that decision.


Well-Known Member
superticions rule sometimes

ScottH said:
It is possible to be a losing dealer? All you have to do to be a winning dealer is deal out the cards and make correct payouts. That doesn't sound too hard!
There have been dealers fired in Vegas because some superior thought they lost too often, but that makes no sense since all a dealer does is pull the next card out of the deck.
Records though are kept approximating dealer win/loss for the casino. The real reason for doing this is if a certain dealer is always well behind the casino average take, it raises a red flag for further investigation. Since over a period of time, all the dealers should be very close, a dealer way behind might mean a dealer who is stealing or playing with a partner.



Well-Known Member
ScottH said:
The dealer doesn't have anything to do with winning or losing. The cards, not the dealer make that decision.
You are correct, but sometimes a superstitious casino doesn’t know that. I am basing this off a couple of discussions I have had with dealers and one dealer/PB.


Well-Known Member
avs21 said:
You are correct, but sometimes a superstitious casino doesn’t know that. I am basing this off a couple of discussions I have had with dealers and one dealer/PB.
It could be a superstitious casino, and they probably also fire them "just in case" they were cheating. They probably can take the chance and fire them since they can easily replace them.


Well-Known Member
If the table is full and the count is high I love to double for less ($1.00) with a green chip on the table. In addition, I enjoy doubling a 12 against a 2 for a dollar. Many times people get pissed off and leave table and I have additional cards in a rich deck coming my way.

"Playing of cruise ship"...I don't trust them. Many our bust out dealers since not regulated.

"The dealer dosen't have anything to do with winning or losing." Bull. A good machanic at the right time can erase your marker in one shoe if he's a good mechanic. I've seen it done as recently as two weeks ago in a high roller room in Las Vegas.

Dealers at Wynn's make $100,000 annually and now they are really upset about Steve sharing their totes with floor people. O'Well...


Well-Known Member
You need a special shoe

jimpenn said:
If the table is full and the count is high I love to double for less ($1.00) with a green chip on the table. In addition, I enjoy doubling a 12 against a 2 for a dollar. Many times people get pissed off and leave table and I have additional cards in a rich deck coming my way.

"Playing of cruise ship"...I don't trust them. Many our bust out dealers since not regulated.

"The dealer dosen't have anything to do with winning or losing." Bull. A good machanic at the right time can erase your marker in one shoe if he's a good mechanic. I've seen it done as recently as two weeks ago in a high roller room in Las Vegas.

Dealers at Wynn's make $100,000 annually and now they are really upset about Steve sharing their totes with floor people. O'Well...
A mechanic can kill you in a pitch game quite easily but you need what is called a prism shoe to deal seconds in a shoe game. Pictures of it are available in several blackjack books.



Well-Known Member
jimpenn said:
I enjoy doubling a 12 against a 2 for a dollar. Many times people get pissed off and leave table and I have additional cards in a rich deck coming my way.
That's a pretty slick trick! :D After all, you were only going to take one hit card anyway, right? And it really doesn't cost you much at all...25 cents maybe? I always love hearing new ways to clear out a table. This is like a more sophisticated Greasy John maneuver! :laugh:



New Member

ScottH said:
It is possible to be a losing dealer? All you have to do to be a winning dealer is deal out the cards and make correct payouts. That doesn't sound too hard!
Ok, you got me, I never had a dealer fired while I was playing against them, I'm not that good anyway, so who knows. Actually I think I read about it in a book, something like the dealers are scrutinized for their win/loss rates, or win/smaller win rates. I don't wanna go through all my books and find it assuming it is in there somewhere, I'll guess it was in an old Uston book. Think about, if penetration is left up to some casinos dealers then their win rates would vary, no? And then there's warping and even a dealers personality can effect a game, speed, flashing a hole card and even giving a tell when lookng at a hole card. Anyway, since I was originally responding to a dealer, I'm sure he could tell us how it works at his location at least.

I also wanted to clarify one of my main hopes for dealers is one that doesn't give me any strategy advice. And that goes for players too. I mean why go to the trouble to learn index numbers if we're never going to deviate from basic strategy.

So, this dealer works at Conrad Hilton on the Gold Coast. I may want to go there someday, probably will be a year or two, but, is this the casino that even publishes a counting method on their web site?
When dealing in a CSM, do players get an edge if I put high cards straight back in the machine and low cards leave in the discard rack for 1 or 2 rounds?


Well-Known Member
walrus_poker said:
When dealing in a CSM, do players get an edge if I put high cards straight back in the machine and low cards leave in the discard rack for 1 or 2 rounds?
one or two rounds, it would be kinda like "chicken soup for a dead man" , "what could it hurt?" now keep that up for more and more rounds, yeah that would help. but i'm afraid you might get in some hot water with your boss's if you was to do that. :(

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
Yeah some dont care others do. Somtimes it jams the CSM, other times the pit boss would come around and tell me to put it in after every round because it affects the perfect pairs (Side bet).

Other day this guy had 4s, 4s, vs my T, got a 4D, then 4D and another 4D, anyone know the chances of that?
sagefr0g said:
yes there is something i would like to know. this may sound like nonsense and it probably is. i percieve the attitudes of various dealers as individual persons. most seem as if they are hoping for the players that things will turn out well for them. i know that a dealer has no way of consciously knowing whether the particular action a player is going to take is going to result in the hand being winner or loser for the player. also i know that a veteran dealer has seen thousands and thousands of hands played out and the results there of. i realize that some dealers are proficient blackjack players and others never play the game. so here is the point and question. i often wonder two things about the dealer. i wonder if subconsciously they may have a sense as to how a hand is going to turn out winner or loser for the player. i sometimes catch myself watching the dealer's mannerisms to see if i can catch a tell from their body language to see if they subconsciously perceive me comming out winner or loser. i've also noticed that often a dealer will be reaching for my chips even before she has seen my final card drawn or seen her final card. do dealers have a conscious sense of how the hand is going to go? what say ye Mr. or Ms. Walrus?

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
sage, u shudnt be gambling, i have read many of your posts and you just dont get it.. you seem to believe in random nonsense theories rather than math
walrus_poker said:
I just remembered the reason I wanted to post here. But to answer the questions. I already know B.S, and I wish I didnt(explain later).

Its werid, sometimes I would have an 2, and I say out loud, 3, 9 then picture, and 3/3 times soo far, it comes exactly that. I do generally get a feeling when people are going to bust, but I havnt been a dealer long and thats usually because they dont play B.S.

My experience as a dealer: To date, I havnt found one person that plays perfect B.S. I've seen all of the following more than once:

-Hit on soft 20 and recieving an A when I have a face card
-Splitting 5's against my Tens
-Splitting Tens' against any card
-Never and always doubling against anything (double on 9, 10, 11 only)
-Never split, including aces
-3 Blackjacks in one hand (not really anything impressive)
-Hitting Hard 18 against my 6 and reciving an ace, then hitting again and recieve a 2
-We have this side bet in Australia called "perfect pairs", 5 to 1 if first 2 cards are same in rank but not in colour or suit, 10 to 1 if same suit/rank and 30 to 1 for exact same card. I've seen one person win 30 to 1 '7 times in 30 mins.
-People wanting even money against my face card(you cant)

Anyways the thing that annoys me is that I can barely stand watching people play incorrectly. And when I ask them are they sure, the response is usually something like "dont even f**king ask me that again, of course im sure" or "yes *taps table for another card on 16 vs 6*, the then whole table loses because of that guy (although in theory it dosent matter), and the whole tabling abuses the **** out of me for pulling a 21.

In general, I want people to win, unless they got overboard. I hate players who have a hand like 13 vs T, and EVERYTIME they will say "gimme a 8" or "8 please". This isnt a resturant, you get what you are given.

I need to learn to stop talking to players as well, if they want to hit that 14 vs 4 everytime, so be it.

It seems Im rambling about my job, I need sleep, thanks for reading

Will post after work
how can you get 3 blackjacks in 1 hand? if you get tens and split them, and then get another 10 and split that, and then you get aces on those 3 hands, those are not blackjacks
walrus_poker said:
-We have this side bet in Australia called "perfect pairs", 5 to 1 if first 2 cards are same in rank but not in colour or suit, 10 to 1 if same suit/rank and 30 to 1 for exact same card.
i dont believe that. from what you have said, EVERY SINGLE PAIR pays out 5:1 or better. also, there is no difference between same suit/rank and same exact card, so that makes no sense. theres no way the casino offers that. can you be more specific? and give me an example of a pair that doesnt pay out anything