I am a casino dealer

sagefr0g said:
i'm ok on basic strategy, indices according to the count, counting, optimal betting and risk of ruin.
i'm not convinced that the above is the end all be all for gleaning advantage from card counting. reason being the degree of fluctuation that counters experience. so i suspect there is more that we don't understand with respect to counting cards and i''m trying to understand what that might be. creativity may be needed to find the answers and that takes thinking out side of the box sometimes. thats pretty much whats behind most of my unorthodox postings.
so you need not be so worried about my 'gambling' as i really do 'get it' for the most part.
i do try for the most part to qualify my posts so that others who read them are not lead astray by my meandering thoughts and down right errors.
note my sign off below.
ya, u have more skill than me with counting then.. the problem is i dont have the bankroll to vary my bets, thus i can only flat bet the table minimum.. what im planning on doing is to bet only when the running count is positive, and to have less than 10 indexes based on a loose true count until i can get better at the true count


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
what does IIRC stand for?
Uh.... :laugh:

SilentBob420BMFJ said:
also, you must be older than 30 kaiser, otherwise you wud know that typing like this is calling pronounciation shorthand, aka, WELCOME TO THE INTERNET..
Yeah. Welcome to the internet, indeed. :laugh:

Ever heard of google?

(Dead link: http://www.definethat.com/define/6147.htm) _IIRC Definition_
Kaiser said:
Uh.... :laugh:

Yeah. Welcome to the internet, indeed. :laugh:

Ever heard of google?

(Dead link: http://www.definethat.com/define/6147.htm) _IIRC Definition_
oh, ya, i dont use those acronyms, but i did know that, i just forgot.. i thot it was a blackjack acronym or something.. u see? you use iirc but i cant use ull, wut, som1, ppl, every1, cuz? welcome to the internet indeed.. i have been dealing with a lot of flames lately, and i want to say, if any1 who wants to flame me for no reason wants to go to another forum where we can act 13 and insult each other randomly, then shoot me an email and we can go act a fool, but lets try and keep it adult like on here, im just looking for information on blackjack and looking to dish information out.. if i say something slightly to your disliking, and you respond with an insult, and turn the thread into a fight, what does that get either of us? its pretty childish.. and sure, you cud respond with "you know whats childish? you! blah blah blah blah" but seriously, lets keep it blackjack, jack.. btw im talking to everybody who has insulted me, with you kaiser actually being the nicer of them


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
what does IIRC stand for?
If I Recall Correctly.

... but there are more

(Dead link: http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?acronym=IIRC&String=exact)

Reno Dude

Well-Known Member
walrus_poker said:
And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.

Anything you like to know?

When Im looking for a table to play at I look for a dealer that shows lots of cleavage so incase I dont win that night I at least have something nice to look at:grin:


New Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
I would like if when a dealer is giving me advice on a hand, it is the correct advice. :laugh:

But seriously if your very familiar with BS, that would be very good.
No dealer should give advice.


New Member
sagefr0g said:
i've also noticed that often a dealer will be reaching for my chips even before she has seen my final card drawn or seen her final card. do dealers have a conscious sense of how the hand is going to go? what say ye Mr. or Ms. Walrus?

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
I have done that many times. Mostly when a player has lost several hands in a row, usually drawing cards. You get to where you expect them to bust and then they don't; you reach before you even realize what the final total was. Same with when they win several hands in a row, or I have busted repeatedly then don't. Sometimes we are dealing in our sleep, we're making our grocery list in our head, trying to figure out how many more tables to hit before the end of day, what's for lunch in the cafeteria, what's the date, did I miss mom's birthday? Sometimes we just aren't paying attention to your cards.


Well-Known Member
Munkeebby said:
;) No dealer should give advice.
Don’t worry, they rarely give correct advice. :grin:

Munkeebby said:
Sometimes we are dealing in our sleep, we're making our grocery list in our head, trying to figure out how many more tables to hit before the end of day, what's for lunch in the cafeteria, what's the date, did I miss mom's birthday? Sometimes we just aren't paying attention to your cards.
I LOVE dealers like that. :gaga: Some people look through the entire casino to find a dealer that has "checked out" early to play against. It's a boring job, and that works in favor of the player quite often.



Munkeebby said:
Sometimes we are dealing in our sleep,
Dealing in their sleep, that pretty much sums up every single dealer at my local casino at 4am. They look absolutely aweful, like they have have been up for a week without sleep. It's like playing with zombies, they are constantly accidently dropping cards (playing with the shoe, so it doesn't effect the game) dropping the occasional chip (CHIP DOWN!) and they get even more inattentive when you strike up a conversation with them, cards go flying everywhere!


Well-Known Member
The Guru dealer

There is this Indian casino where the dealers keep their own tips and a few of the dealers there have their own method of tip hustling.
They encourage a player who bets fairly big to follow their advice. When to hit, double etc, and most of their advice is OK. More importantly, they tell him to double up, increase his bet and never tell him to lower it till he loses a hand. If the player loses, he loses and might never take their advice again, but if the player wins, he rewards these dealers with very big tokes and that is what they are looking for. Just like a system seller, someone will get lucky with his system sometimes, these dealers will sometimes get that lucky player and win big. The big bets, by the way, have nothing to do with the count.


Bashful C. Stupid-Butt

Well-Known Member
The only bad expeience with a dealer I've had is when "Bob" didn't call for the cigarette girl when I was constantly being pestered for a light and cigarettes by a player at the table.

I don;t think the dealer should get very involved with specific plays. If the guy wants to hit a 16 angainst a 6 let him without question.

What I didn;t like, and I guess it was also a compliment was playing a 2 deck game at the Stardust which was one of my first blackjack experiences. After about the third shuffle, and I was constantly winning and up 500.00 in short order, the dealer yelled out, I can't beat this guy.

I ended up getting beat by the 3rd baseman later on during the trip at a different casino.


Well-Known Member

Just deal deeper. The counters are happier and the casino makes more money off of the regular players since there are more hands being dealt an hour.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
How can the third baseman beat you

Bashful C. Stupid-Butt said:
The only bad expeience with a dealer I've had is when "Bob" didn't call for the cigarette girl when I was constantly being pestered for a light and cigarettes by a player at the table.

I don;t think the dealer should get very involved with specific plays. If the guy wants to hit a 16 angainst a 6 let him without question.

What I didn;t like, and I guess it was also a compliment was playing a 2 deck game at the Stardust which was one of my first blackjack experiences. After about the third shuffle, and I was constantly winning and up 500.00 in short order, the dealer yelled out, I can't beat this guy.

I ended up getting beat by the 3rd baseman later on during the trip at a different casino.
Unless you were playing in a tournament, you are not playing against the other players??



Well-Known Member
Two weekends ago in vegas, I looked right at the Floor Manager and laughed. Why no backoff? I will never know, we were in such a zone.

Sam Bench


I like dealers who are very competent, deal at a nice pace, and keep their mouths shut!! I hate it when a dealers slows the game to make small talk with some ploppy. Some dealer think they are amateur comedians and babble continuously. Also, I hate it when I'm asked "Where are you from?" The dealer then proceeds to pepper me with small talk about my home location. I don't like to be annoyed by dealers or cocktail waitresses.


Well-Known Member
Sam Bench said:
I like dealers who are very competent, deal at a nice pace, and keep their mouths shut!! I hate it when a dealers slows the game to make small talk with some ploppy. Some dealer think they are amateur comedians and babble continuously. Also, I hate it when I'm asked "Where are you from?" The dealer then proceeds to pepper me with small talk about my home location. I don't like to be annoyed by dealers or cocktail waitresses.
While I see your point, you have to realize dealers have a terrible job. It's boring, they're on their feet all day and have to put up with smoke blown in their faces.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
i wonder if subconsciously they may have a sense as to how a hand is going to turn out winner or loser for the player. i sometimes catch myself watching the dealer's mannerisms to see if i can catch a tell from their body language to see if they subconsciously perceive me comming out winner or loser. i've also noticed that often a dealer will be reaching for my chips even before she has seen my final card drawn or seen her final card. do dealers have a conscious sense of how the hand is going to go?
My experiences with this and speaking with many dealers is yes. Proving it is another matter... but I consider it to be like a subconcious form of card sequencing or shuffle tracking. The more automated a dealer becomes in his job his shuffle will be more exact and thus trackable. The memory will log every card played in a shoe, it's just not capable of recalling that information. But after a few hundred hands with the same number of people at the table a pattern will develop and your concious mind could begin to identify what card will come next based on knowledge of your personal shuffle and the previous shoe. To make the info usable there has to be some kind of key that triggers the memory. For intance maybe you see a hand that takes 5 two of clubs in a row. After the next shuffle when the dealer sees a two of clubs he may be able to instinctively know that because he rifs the cards twice, in exactly four cards he will see another two of clubs.
You can call it instinct or gut or sense or whatever. There is definitely a neurological reason why when you deal the cards all day and think the next card will be a two of clubs you will be right more then one time in 52. As for a player utilizing this type of memory recall or being able to bet using it, I don't believe it can be proven and is much more unlikely, not to say it is impossible. I considered this experiment: simply bring a tally and consciously attempt to guess the next card every time you take a hit. If over thousands of hands you get into the 99% confidence interval that you are indeed predicting the next card better than random, you could at least in theory use that knowledge to adjust index plays and betting according to the advantage your "gift" gives you. The problem: If you are also counting you may be more likely to choose a high card in positive counts and a low card in negative counts because you're using the knowledge your conscious already has. This would lead to results better than random, yet you're not actually using your memory, just playing the probabilities. Hence I abandoned the idea.
If you think you're getting some sort of tell from the dealer AND it is an EXTREMELY CLOSE index play (like a soft doubling index) I'd say go with it. In the long run if it doesn't exist you will lose very little and it is a rewarding feeling to think the dealer helped you predict the outcome of a hand when it works.
Bashful C. Stupid-Butt said:
I ended up getting beat by the 3rd baseman later on during the trip at a different casino.
perhaps your being sarcastic, but from a number of your posts, i am jumping to the conclusion that you are not fully aware of all the blackjack/gambling fallacies.. blackjack is not a team game, nobody can affect your chances of winning except you, which includes "messing up the shoe", "making the wrong move", etc.. this is what frustrates me so much because logic would say that if 99/100 people say something is true, then it most likely is, but that is not the case with gambling; it gets even weirder, as you would then assume that most gamblers must be stupid, but a lot of gamblers are decently smart in real life, but in gambling believe in stupid stuff, for instance my dad is a very smart person, and believes that gambling is all about "predicting streaks" which is the dumbest thing ive ever heard.. im rambling here, but anyways, the 3rd baseman that "beat you" had a 50/50 shot at hurting you, as did all the other players, thus everything cancels out


Well-Known Member
The Best Dealers

walrus_poker said:
And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.

Anything you like to know?
The Best dealers are those that:

1. Chit chat and make small talk during the shuffle, but say virtually nothing mid-shoe.
2. Don't ask personal questions like Where are you From, Where are you staying, and What do you do for a living. I don't want to be your friend, I just want to empty your rack.
3. Cutoff the least amount of cards they can get away with without violating policy.
4. Don't assume you're not going to double something. Always require a hand signal before moving on
5. Deal quickly and smoothly but not so quickly such that they constantly are making errors. (goes both ways)
6. Spread the cards or re-shuffle when all players leave their table rather than leaving a half shoe of someone elses remains in there...especially when it's no-mid shoe entry.
7. Never makes a reference to tokes. I never tip dealers that hint at anything about how much they need money or how bad their toke rate has been. (aka Tip Hustling) Don't Do It!


Active Member
Canceler said:
But I'm one of those old fuddy-duddies who likes to have things be like I expect them to be. And I expect that the dealer will wait for my signal.

Besides, one of these days I'm going to split tens. :eyepatch:
I very much agree with Canceler. I hate dealers who think they know what I'm going to do. The other day I was playing heads up and had an A,8 vs a 6, and before I could even lift me hand to double she had already played her cards.... pissed me off. Dealers should always wait for a signal from the players. On the flip side, players should be quick with their decisions. It upsets me just as much to see players sitting their chatting or otherwise ignoring the game and slowing everything down.