And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.
Anything you like to know?
Anything you like to know?
yes there is something i would like to know. this may sound like nonsense and it probably is. i percieve the attitudes of various dealers as individual persons. most seem as if they are hoping for the players that things will turn out well for them. i know that a dealer has no way of consciously knowing whether the particular action a player is going to take is going to result in the hand being winner or loser for the player. also i know that a veteran dealer has seen thousands and thousands of hands played out and the results there of. i realize that some dealers are proficient blackjack players and others never play the game. so here is the point and question. i often wonder two things about the dealer. i wonder if subconsciously they may have a sense as to how a hand is going to turn out winner or loser for the player. i sometimes catch myself watching the dealer's mannerisms to see if i can catch a tell from their body language to see if they subconsciously perceive me comming out winner or loser. i've also noticed that often a dealer will be reaching for my chips even before she has seen my final card drawn or seen her final card. do dealers have a conscious sense of how the hand is going to go? what say ye Mr. or Ms. Walrus?walrus_poker said:And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.
Anything you like to know?
here is what i like in a dealer. for the most part i prefer they keep quiet. i don't want them to try and strike up a conversation with me or other players. i do enourmously enjoy a dealer that has a good story to tell however. i could care less one way or the other if the dealer can advise me or anyone else with regards to how to play a hand. i do want the dealer to be proficient in every rule with regard to the game or at least be ready to ask the pit boss's advice if there is a question. i prefer dealers that obviously care about the players having good results but that do not whine or moan when the player loses a hand. i like for a dealer to wish me good luck and for real mean it. i like a dealer that can percieve that i want or need to be dealt to slower. most of us counters want a fast game but i'm one that needs it a bit slower than most for one on one play with the dealer. i sometimes take a lot of time to make decisions on my play. i'm older and that is just the way it is. i don't like it when a dealer displays impatience over my slowness or that of other players. i like in a dealer a sense of comoradory and genuine friendlynesswalrus_poker said:And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.
Anything you like to know?
We'd like to see good penetration! Speed is always a plus too.walrus_poker said:And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.
Anything you like to know?
Two things i like to see in a dealer. one deal with a consistant rythem from start to finish. two unless instructed otherwise dont call out " check change" everytime a player moves up in color.walrus_poker said:And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.
Anything you like to know?
of course good pen.walrus_poker said:And I used to be a blackjack player. What do you like to see in a dealer, Im trying to become a better dealer.
Anything you like to know?
Sounds like me, its part of my ploppie cover. Most important thing is the pen. Prefer dealer who likes to talk because I talk a lot at the table usually.walrus_poker said:-People I hate players who have a hand like 13 vs T, and EVERYTIME they will say "gimme a 8" or "8 please". This isnt a resturant, you get what you are given.
I don't know if you were joking or not, but collusion with a dealer is illegal.Brutus said:we could get together before your shift and make up the rules as we go along.
good point rdorange, thats a situation that catchs me dosing most every time.rdorange said:What I like to see is the cards before they go in the discrard tray.
When a player busts, the dealer has just put the last card out and with the same dealing motion, sweeps and removes the cards to the discard. If only for just a second, spread the cards so they can be seen a second longer.
i like the payment spread out not stacked.walrus_poker said:Another thing I found is that alot of player will not see the minimum bet sign, and put down less than that, which is fine, and then after the dealer corrects them, they applogise. Applogy isnt really needed, we're just letting you people know. Tonight was quiet (monday night/morning) so didnt get many drunks, but I tried to care less about people making stupid plays.
Oh another thing, say you were playing a $10 minimum, you double down and win, do you prefer to get paid 2x5 + 2x5 or 4x5 (one stack)?