Well-Known Member
...but tonight, I received some additional attention. I don't believe my play was compromised, but definitely found myself on the shift PB's radar.
So, I finished playing for a few hours and had a good session. The night was going well. I took a quick break and when I came back, all $25 tables were full.
I decided to wong at a table adjacent to where I was playing earlier. It was one of those nights where it didn't matter what the players did, the dealer busted. Most players were betting $25-$150, except for an extremely arrogant older man (60's-ish) betting $500-$2000. This older man was, for lack of a betting word, "coaching" the others...and sometimes hesitant on his own plays. Looking back, I know I should have kept my mouth shut, but I felt bad for the guy.
His chips started piling up, probably a good $15k. He had a sizable bet when he was dealt 3,3 vs. dealer 4. He appeared upset and very hesitant. I suggested he split his a very non-demanding way. This man, now angrier and shocked that someone had the nerve to suggest how to play his hand, snapped "No wonder you're only watching this table, no person in their right mind would split 3,3 against a 4. Are you crazy?"
In a confident, yet understanding tone, I said "No, not crazy. I figured you would want to make the correct play". The entire table seemed agitated by my remark. A middle aged woman argued "Don't tell him what to do, he's an expert. He's much better than you could ever hope to be." Pleased by this mindless peon's remark, the old man begins to berate me..."Your generation pisses me off. I have no problem with you watching, but when you get jealous of how I'm making money and attempt to screw my hand up, it shows how uninformed you are. You'll never amount to anything."
I stood there with a smile on my face, attempting to contain my laughter. "It's your money, I just figured you'd know better if you're an expert." He proceeded to hit, and received a 6 and stood. Of course, the dealer busted. Proudly collecting his wins, the old man calls the pit boss over "Get rid of this dirt bag, he's interfering with my play and pissing everyone off. I don't want him watching my table."
Naturally, due to the high dollar amounts this asshole was betting, the pit boss runs over and has a few words with the old man, glaring at me the entire time. Seconds later, the pit boss walks up besides me, grabs my arm and says "you need to leave this area." I became extremely frustrated, but kept my emotions under control...not wanting to escalate things further (they had already escalated beyond anything I thought would happen). I told the pit boss "I'll gladly move to a different area. However, if you don't release my arm, and if you touch me again, I will call the police and have you charged with assault."
Smartly, the pit boss releases his grip and says "I don't want you near his table. You can watch or play at any other table, but please don't disturb him." Again, in a polite, yet confident tone I reassured him "It's unfortunate how some players overreact. I have no problem leaving this area. I only wish I could be around when he gives his chips back." The pit boss left when I sat at the next table. I ended up leaving a few minutes later, hoping to minimize additional unwanted attention.
I understand I'm supposed to "keep my cool" and not let anything these ploppies say get to me, but this time, it did. I'm glad I resisted further escalating the situation; however, I didn't expect events to unfold as they did. I'll continue working to block out anything and everything others' say - it just comes with the territory.
Thanks for listening.
So, I finished playing for a few hours and had a good session. The night was going well. I took a quick break and when I came back, all $25 tables were full.
I decided to wong at a table adjacent to where I was playing earlier. It was one of those nights where it didn't matter what the players did, the dealer busted. Most players were betting $25-$150, except for an extremely arrogant older man (60's-ish) betting $500-$2000. This older man was, for lack of a betting word, "coaching" the others...and sometimes hesitant on his own plays. Looking back, I know I should have kept my mouth shut, but I felt bad for the guy.
His chips started piling up, probably a good $15k. He had a sizable bet when he was dealt 3,3 vs. dealer 4. He appeared upset and very hesitant. I suggested he split his a very non-demanding way. This man, now angrier and shocked that someone had the nerve to suggest how to play his hand, snapped "No wonder you're only watching this table, no person in their right mind would split 3,3 against a 4. Are you crazy?"
In a confident, yet understanding tone, I said "No, not crazy. I figured you would want to make the correct play". The entire table seemed agitated by my remark. A middle aged woman argued "Don't tell him what to do, he's an expert. He's much better than you could ever hope to be." Pleased by this mindless peon's remark, the old man begins to berate me..."Your generation pisses me off. I have no problem with you watching, but when you get jealous of how I'm making money and attempt to screw my hand up, it shows how uninformed you are. You'll never amount to anything."
I stood there with a smile on my face, attempting to contain my laughter. "It's your money, I just figured you'd know better if you're an expert." He proceeded to hit, and received a 6 and stood. Of course, the dealer busted. Proudly collecting his wins, the old man calls the pit boss over "Get rid of this dirt bag, he's interfering with my play and pissing everyone off. I don't want him watching my table."
Naturally, due to the high dollar amounts this asshole was betting, the pit boss runs over and has a few words with the old man, glaring at me the entire time. Seconds later, the pit boss walks up besides me, grabs my arm and says "you need to leave this area." I became extremely frustrated, but kept my emotions under control...not wanting to escalate things further (they had already escalated beyond anything I thought would happen). I told the pit boss "I'll gladly move to a different area. However, if you don't release my arm, and if you touch me again, I will call the police and have you charged with assault."
Smartly, the pit boss releases his grip and says "I don't want you near his table. You can watch or play at any other table, but please don't disturb him." Again, in a polite, yet confident tone I reassured him "It's unfortunate how some players overreact. I have no problem leaving this area. I only wish I could be around when he gives his chips back." The pit boss left when I sat at the next table. I ended up leaving a few minutes later, hoping to minimize additional unwanted attention.
I understand I'm supposed to "keep my cool" and not let anything these ploppies say get to me, but this time, it did. I'm glad I resisted further escalating the situation; however, I didn't expect events to unfold as they did. I'll continue working to block out anything and everything others' say - it just comes with the territory.
Thanks for listening.