Somewhere and I don't remember where, I read that the way to do it was to clump a bunch of large cards together, not small. Regardless of cut, or number of players, when that clump of large cards came out, you would have a lot of pushes involving 20's. And the entire rest of shoe would be made up of a shortage of 10 value cards....advantage house.
I am not buying into any conspiracy theory that this is what Planet Hollywood is doing. It would be illegal and I wouldn't expect one of the big boys (chain casinos) to get into that. But you never know, greed is a powerful thing. That kind of decision wouldn't even have to come from the top. If could be some shift manager who's intent wasn't so much greed in as far as more profits for the casino, but greed in wanting to bump numbers for his shift to make him look good for his own personal job preservation. That seems much more likely to me.
I have mentioned my own concerns and experience about this, but will do so again. There is a small store on boulder highway that I used to play a couple times a week. Double deck game (dealt face up) with ASM. At the time this store was not part of any chain. It was part of a two casino operation. It has since become part of one of the bigger boy chains.
So for several years, I played and had good results. Reasonable results compared to EV. Actually one of my better results for a year or two. That is why the store remained in my rotation. Then one day, the pit person, who surely knew me, came over and punched a code into the machine just as I started playing. I lost and lost pretty badly. It got my attention because it seemed like I barely won a hand. But those sessions happened. Over the next year, I continued playing that store. Some days I won, some days I lost. This seemed pretty normal. But my losses were bigger than my win, which isn't unusual, but the losses were MUCH bigger than my wins and over this year, I was running just about even. Many small wins offset by larger losses. This also didn't seem that unusual.
And then I noticed that each time this particular pit critter, punched the code into the machine, I lost and lost fairly big. Every single time. I asked one time what that was and he gave some stupid reply about a diagnostic check to be sure the machine was working properly. I responded that each time he did so, I lost. I wanted him to know that I was suspicious.
Once I became suspicious that my big losses, coincided with this particular pit guy punching a code into the machine, I stopped playing there. The sample size was pretty small. Maybe 6-8 sessions, once I really realized, but many more before it completely hit me. Too small of a sample size for me to definitively state (like some here) that this casino and pit critter were cheating via the ASM, but enough that I was no longer comfortable playing that game. And with such a large number of games available to me, I was not going to play a game that I was uncomfortable with.....for whatever reason.
Edit: I don't know why I never mention this store by name. No reason for this. It is Eastside Cannery, at the time just part of the two casino cannery operation, now part of Boyd. And they no longer have that game.