sagefr0g said:
'...The time has come,' the Walrus said, 'To speak of many things; Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, Of cabbages and kings and why the sea is boiling hot...'
ok guys have at, just please keep it about luck.........
and i promise to quit bragging about MMOA and making bad jokes about peoples daughters.:cat::whip:
Oh, my lucky stars! Count your lucky stars. How do you know which ones are yours? Do you need a star book? Can you see them on a clear night? Can we both have the same lucky star? Will I know it when I see it? What do I do after I count them? Do I report it to some astronomical society? Does the government keep track? What is a good number to have? Can I get more than I already have? How do I know if I’ve missed one? Can you do it all in one night? Should I bring a notebook? Do they make clickers, like the ones they use for counting cars? What if I count one twice? Will I get in trouble for a false count? Is anyone checking?
This must be your lucky day! How does he know? Do you just get one lucky day? If you just get one, is it once a year, or for your whole life? What if you get more than one? How many could you get? What determines what the day is and how many you get? Can I get more from year to year? If no one tells me it must be my lucky day, will I know it on my own? Is there a way to know in advance when your lucky day will be? Should you plan a lot of stuff on that day? I think it might be a good time to buy a lottery ticket, mortgage your house and put all the money on the number 7 at roulette and let it ride three times in a row, tell your wife what you really think, ask the boss for a fat raise or else you’ll quit, drive your car 150 miles an hour on the freeway, and ask the first beautiful woman you see if she’d like to f###.
Do you feel lucky? View attachment 1752 What does it feel like? Is it fuzzy and warm, or is it dark and cold? Will you know it when you feel it, or might you feel it but think it was something else? I feel lousy, when really you should run to the crap table and bet it all on one roll! Or I feel hot an sweaty when really you should be putting $5,000 on your Keno card, twenty numbers, one play!
His luck is running out! Where does it go? Why does it go? Is it fast, or does it run slowly? Can you catch it before it leaves? Does it just start running, or are there early warning signals? If you know when it was going to start running, could you tie it down? Grab it by the neck? Entice it to stay? Compliment it? Dote on it? Buy it a drink? Step on it? Knock it unconscious? Stuff it in your pocket? Talk sweetly to it? Invite it home to dinner? Choke it? Follow it and see where it goes? I see you! I know where you are! Come back now, you’ve had your fun!
His luck ran out? All of it? How much did he have to begin with? Does everyone get the same amount? Can you see it when it’s getting low? Can you replenish it? If you run out, where can you get some more? Is it hard to find? Is there a luck station where you can just luck up and be on your way? Do you get a certain amount each day, so if you run out today, you can wait until tomorrow, and you’ll get some more? How does it come? Can you see it coming? How long do you usually have to wait? Can you get some extra in advance? Can it run out for good? No, that wouldn’t be good. Can it run out completely? What do you do after that? Is it safe to walk outdoors? Should you wear Kleenex boxes on your feet to avoid germs? Should you have food delivered to your room? If you go outside, should you avoid the elevator? Is it better to drive your car or hail a taxi?
Why is it that my good fortune is luck, and your good fortune is SKILL? Is luck something I should be ashamed of? Should I be happy to lose my shirt with skill, but be sad to win a million dollars with luck? Should I give back all my lucky winnings and only keep the ones I win by skill? If I become skilled like you, will I lose all my luck? If you lose your skill, will you become lucky like me? How does luck know where to go? Is there a formula? Do you have to be lucky to get more luck? If that is the case, then does that explain what you mean when you say, to those who have, more will be given? What do I do if I am unlucky? Doesn’t that mean I will probably not get any more? Isn’t that unfair?
Lady Luck? Isn’t it a good thing that luck is not just a woman, but a Lady? Does that mean you must treat her in a certain manner if you want her to stay? How do you talk to her? “Come on, Baby, Daddy needs a new pair of shoes?! Would a Lady wish to be spoken to like that? “Come to Papa, Baby!?” Again, this seems a violation of good etiquette. “Stay with me, Sweetheart” or “Please don’t leave me” sound a bit more appropriate. Do you tell her how lucky she makes you feel?
I’m the luckiest man in the world! View attachment 1753 Is this possible? Does that mean that luck is not evenly distributed as believed by many? If he is the luckiest man in the world, how lucky is that? Can he inhale Anthrax with no harmful effects? Can he throw caution to the winds? How lucky can one be? What is the largest amount of money that a lucky man can bet and still win? If you bet too much, will your luck leave you? If you bet too little will your luck leave you? How do you know what the right amount is? Is it okay to bet your wife’s savings (not a typo)? Or will that cause you luck to run out?
Good luck! We wish people good luck. Does that help them get lucky? If you don’t wish it, will it happen anyway? Who is listening to your wish? Is it Lady Luck? I thought she was a fairy tale. Is it God? Is He up there looking down on mankind and He hears Billy Joe say “good luck” to Tom, so he immediately dispatches a package of luck to Tom. Is that the way it works? Does Tom feel it when it gets there? “Oh, I feel lucky all of a sudden. I think I’ll step in front of this speeding car, or better yet, I think I’ll play a little blackjack!” If we forget to wish people luck, is that the reason why there is so much tragedy in the world? Good luck to you. Good luck! Have a lucky day! Be lucky! May the Good Lord shine His Face upon you! Have a nice day! Maybe it’s our fault the market is crashing! Did you wish your stockbroker good luck when you saw him last? Did you write the company you invested in and wish the board of directors, “Good luck!” There are just so many things to think about. This luck thing is really complicated!
Luck is on your side! Does luck take sides? How do you get it to be on your side? Do the good guys always get the lucky breaks? I don’t think so. What do you have to do to get luck to join forces with you? I think maybe admitting where all your good fortune comes from might be good for starters. I mean, nobody likes a braggart. “I worked hard and all my hard work resulted in making me the champion of the world.” “I’m so good, it is no wonder I win every time!” “You can’t stop me. I am just too much!” “This year’s win proves once again that I am the best there is!” No, we all know what those statements will cause. Naw. The right way is to keep it low key. “I got lucky!” “Everyone else did a great job, but I guess I’m the lucky one!” “Just shows you what a little luck can do.” “It was all luck!” “I guess I was just in the right place at the right time.” Try these, See if it doesn’t keep luck in your corner.
Luck is as luck does. If you want to be lucky, act lucky! It takes practice. Play the role. You may be luckier than you think.
Test your luck. What does that mean? DO you take some kind of test? Like an LSAT? According to test results we find you to be lucky to get into any school whatsoever! No. I think it means to like to test the waters. Hit a hard 17. If you win, that’s a sign. If you see a banana peel, step on it. If you don’t slip, consider yourself lucky. But you must also determine just how lucky you are. Double you bet. If you win, let it all ride. If you win again, let it all ride again. Keep doing this until you lose. The number of times you do this successfully will tell you exactly how lucky you are. If something happens and they close down the table right in the middle of your test, and say, you are 7 or more bets ahead, consider yourself at the peak of your luck.
Lucky in love. View attachment 1754 (< two daughters :grin

This refers to a guy who has an easy time of it with the opposite sex, but is unlucky in everything else. My advice to you, if you have this condition, is to tell your girlfriend to kiss off! Get lost! Beat it , kiddo! Scram! Go play in traffic! You see, what you want to do is get rid of the wrong kind of luck and replace it with the kind that brings fortune. With fortune you can still have all the women you want!
I was really lucky that zg gave me the name of a hairstylist to go to. He also does Dennis Rodman. What do you think?
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Have a happy-go-lucky holiday season.
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