You're harassing people for seats at 3CP? For what, a 3.48% game? As much as I hate it when a complete degenerate camps out on a game, these people have a right to be there too. Remember who pays the way for APs—it's the civilians, the Oscars Grinders, the Martingalers, the losing, would-be APs, etc. Harassing players for a seat is a good way to get on the pit's "people to watch" list.
I know you've posted before about how you don't care about backoffs you've received from playing an aggressive game with no cover (I agree that OCP is too weak for much cover, in most circumstances), but maybe you should consider your effect on the games in general. When you get backed off, you don't just heat yourself up, you heat the game up. There probably aren't a ton of pros waiting to play your OCP game, but rude and aggressive behavior toward civilians is, in my opinion, poor form when it comes to longevity for yourself and not burning out games, which is bad for everybody.
If you haven't guessed it already, I don't take any pleasure in civilians busting out. It's more depressing to me than anything, especially when it's rich people that are gambling sums of money that could feed a large family for a year. But there's nothing I can do to help these people, so I might as well try to divert some of their losses my way.
On the other hand, someone knowingly playing a losing strategy like OG (and the OP knows that he's playing a losing strategy, as he stated) will most likely bust out at some point. He (presumably) understands the risk and has chosen to take it. I'm sure he'll feel silly after getting taken to the cleaners some day, but if that's what he wants to do with his money, then he'll just be another donor to the pool of money that we're after.