Thanks for that example - it is a perfect one. I'm happy you came up with it, so there will be no question whether the example is good enough.
So there are two tens, and a deuce left.
What is the probability that I catch the ten, if the player before stands ? Obviously it is 1/3 exactly.
Now what happens if the player double his hand also?
With chance of 2/3, he will catch a ten. Leaving you with T,2 for drawing, from which you draw a ten with 50%.
This is your argumentation. Your mistake is, although this a highly probable scenario, it is not the only scenario you must account for.
Because: With chance of 1/3, the player will catch the deuce!. Then the remaining cards are T,T. For which drawing a ten happens with chance of 100%.
Since we don't know which card the player will draw, we need to average over all possible scenarios, with the probability of them happening. Then you immediatly get:
2/3 * 50% + 1/3 * 100% = 2/3. That is exactly the chance of drawing a ten, if the other player had stood on his hand.
There is another way to verify this, by deck composition. Say, one of the Ten is in hearts, while the other ten is in diamonds. Of course suits doesn't matter, but it helps if we can distinguish all three cards.
Then those three cards arrange to exactly 3!=6 possible deck arrangements:
2ThTd, 2TdTh, Th2Td, ThTd2, Td2Th, TdTh2. (first card is top card on the pile)
What happens if the other player stands, or doubles ?
2ThTd: You get a 2 (if he stands), or 10 (if he doubles)
2TdTh: 2 (stand), 10 (double)
Th2Td: 10 (stand), 2 (double)
ThTd2: 10 (stand), 10 (double)
Td2Th: 10 (stand), 2 (double)
TdTh2: 10 (stand), 10 (double)
The important thing to remember is: A pile of cards is randomly shuffled, when each arrangement of cards has equal probability. Since there are 6 different arrangements, each arrangement has the probability of 1/6.
We now see from the table above, we get a 10 in 4 out of 6 arrangements if the player stands, that is 4/6 = 2/3.
We also see that if the player doubles, we still a 10 in 4 out of 6 arrangements, that is still 4/6 = 2/3.
Whatever the other player does (the only exception is, if he depletes the pile, then the PB will reshuffle), it does not affect the probability of you getting a ten.
Those are 3 proofs. Do you need another one ?
If the argument above where true, you could never influence the probabilities of what other player would draw. Since the dealer is nothing different, you cannot influence the probabilities of the dealer drawing any card.
In fact, you cannot even influence what his downcard is. This is obvious (as it is drawn before your action). However, an undrawn card and the downcard is completely identical in terms of probability (unless the dealer has peeked, and since he did not turn up his hand you know it is not a BJ hand).
As you cannot influence the probability of the downcard, you cannot influence the probability of the card he will draw.
That makes it proof #4.