Psychics and blackjack


Active Member
I do believe there are energies out there, whatever they may be.

I have had some severly negative feelings at a table right before it took a severe turn south, but also some very positive feelings before a big winning streak. I have also on several occasions predicted that the dealer was going to get a 21 or b/j right before it happened. I have no idea why, im so engrianed with the right way to play, i never listen to these feelings and play just based on the math, but sometimes my gut feeling is so damn accurate it freaks me out.

There is of course no scientific explanation for this. But crazy stuff does happen all the time that we cannot explain. I sat next to a guy at a table once, with a $100 bet on the table, he doubled a hard 16 against a dealers face card, and pulled a 5. He looked like he had no doubt in his mind that he was gonna hit that, even though mathmatically he had just about a 70% chance of busting. Ive seen guys hit hard 20's before and get an ace. All casinos have stories like that, because they do happen.

Do i believe there is something out there, an energy, that can direct what happens in our lives? yes. Call it God, call it karma, call it the devil, whatever. We simply are not the only intelligent beings in the universe, and our understanding of time, space, energy, etc is very limited to say the least. Do i believe we can predict it, control it, etc to any sort of accuracy? No way, at least not with our limited minds and technology we have now. Do i believe in psychics? Not really, most of them are just con's. The people who are actually in 'tune' with this sort of thing, are not out to make money with it.

Math is the only sure fire and consistent way to beat the house.


Well-Known Member
Was AlbyE a card counter?

callipygian Quote: ..."Keep in mind this is not "50% of the time you will find the electron 100% here and 50% of the time you will find the electron 100% there" - this is "100% of the time you will find the electron 50% here and 50% there."...
Hey Call, I tried reading this a few times but I think I only 50% get it, half the time... Help!


azbetsgonewild said:
I do believe there are energies out there, whatever they may be.

I have had some severly negative feelings at a table right before it took a severe turn south, but also some very positive feelings before a big winning streak. I have also on several occasions predicted that the dealer was going to get a 21 or b/j right before it happened. I have no idea why, im so engrianed with the right way to play, i never listen to these feelings and play just based on the math, but sometimes my gut feeling is so damn accurate it freaks me out.
This thread just won't die!

Truly we have all had these feelings and these feelings tend to be accurate. The problem is we either don't listen to the feelings when we ought to, or we concentrate on the feelings too much and muck with them.

The end result is that we lose when we knew better. We walk away saying: "I knew things were starting to go bad, I should have quit at that point." or "I knew I should have quit while I was up."



Well-Known Member
Muckety much obliged

Post from Ihate17 August 14th, 2009, 11:12 AM

Default Here is what I know about 3rd base
"If you like to spread your stuff out on the table you generally have more room at 3rd or 1st base if playing on a crowded table.
You will see more cards before making an indice play.

You will win more hands at third base unless you do not.
You will get more blackjacks at third base unless you do not.
You will get more 15's and 16's at third base unless you do not.
You will lose more money at third base unless you do not.
You will win more money at third base unless you do not.
If someone adds a hand and changes the Sacred Flow of the cards, playing at third base will help you, unless it does not.

I base all of this on indepth observations while cardcounting for over 30 years and really believe that third base is advantageous, unless it is not.

Finally, the moderator could move this thread to the Voo Doo board (unless he does not)

ihate17 (but like 3rd base except when I do not
Reply With Quote
Ih17, this is a great post of yours that deserved a copy down here for Voodoo and the annals of third base voodoo strategy. Voodoo aficionados relate perfectly with your very wise wisdom expressed so aptly. Voos also know how to read between lines... And what also is so very much appreciated is you acknowledged one of the supreme Voo gods: The Sacred Flow of the Cards. Chief MucketyMuck sends his profound thanks.

PS Any hints on table and seat (other than third base) selection? The vast army of blackjack voos always want to know more, so don't bother with any of the usual crap from all those dumb BJ books that copy each other. Only real, honest-to-goodness, latest voodoo stuff is what the throng want to hear. You have great respect among the throng as one who keeps aware of latest voo trends.


Well-Known Member
Voo secret society

Licentia said:
This thread just won't die!

Truly we have all had these feelings and these feelings tend to be accurate. The problem is we either don't listen to the feelings when we ought to, or we concentrate on the feelings too much and muck with them.

The end result is that we lose when we knew better. We walk away saying: "I knew things were starting to go bad, I should have quit at that point." or "I knew I should have quit while I was up."

Of course this thread won't die, L. Either will the 95.87654321% of casino patrons that are Voodoo practitioners die any time soon, as well. As a typical example, an elderly lady asked me what my lucky number was. Off the top of my head I said 5. She bet $50. It won. This example of just one aspect for unlimited Voodoo is replicated squillions of times every day, in world-wide casinos... Just take a look next time you're there. Voos are everywhere... :)


Well-Known Member

The point of the thread lives on and will not die because of the interest in knowing something that others do not. If someone told you that you could develop the ability to tune into a realm of seeing things that cannot see would you? If you could see things before they happen would you want to? It is human nature to make fun of something that you don't understand or refuse to believe in.


Well-Known Member
There is great value in the study of voodoo


Becoming an encylopedia of voodoo blackjack can buy you tons of time on blackjack tables, can be used to run off other voodoo players and can convince pits that you are just a lucky gambler. Learn it, state it, but just do not really use it.



Well-Known Member
Go with the Flow

ihate17 said:

Becoming an encylopedia of voodoo blackjack can buy you tons of time on blackjack tables, can be used to run off other voodoo players and can convince pits that you are just a lucky gambler. Learn it, state it, but just do not really use it.

What a formidable casino adversary you are, Ih17. For an AP such as yourself to mime, mimic and copy the many ways of the Voo - if and when it suits you - and to blend in with the vast Voo crowd while you gorge on casino chips is surely a masterstroke. Although casinos always suspect, what hope does the pit have really, of spotting you blended in with a herd of Voos?

I spoke with an average Joe Voodoo about how he can expect to win about only 42% of his hands, lose about 50% and tie the rest. He could make up the difference with blackjacks, splits, doubles and playing perfect basic strategy. Joe said stuff like this:
"Yeah, I read some books and tried that card counting crap. It don't work.
Playing BJ with math is plain stoopid. Stormfred Wang, Shyder and Don Swartsnigger are always on about that long run bullshit. In the long run we are all dead... WTF has the long run bullshit got to do with me, right now? I here tonight to win, now! Who gives a rats about the long run! I feel lucky tonight, now..."

Joe went on: "Basic strategy... more bullshit. I make my own strategy, lot better'n basic... Remember, the two is the dealer ace. Never take the dealer bust card. Never f**k with the Flow of Cards. Never split 2s, 3s and 4s. I like to split 5s, 6s and 7s. Not 8s. Never double agin a 10 or Ace. Always have a few drinks to relax ya..." (He had more Voo laws...) :grin:

Joe is a strong example of the religion of the Voo. They proliferate in a casino, near you...


Well-Known Member
voodoo camo

I think one of the best camo cover for third base or any position is the voodoo player. The stores think you are nuts and leave you alone for the most part. Just bring your good luck charm and lay it out in front of you before you play and that is all you need.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I think one of the best camo cover for third base or any position is the voodoo player. The stores think you are nuts and leave you alone for the most part. Just bring your good luck charm and lay it out in front of you before you play and that is all you need.
Agreed. I saw one guy praying loudly to Jesus constantly, clutching a cross with beads, and waving to "heaven". He wasn't a counter, but I thought it would make a neat act, with the added bonus of annoying nearby players and pit critters.


johndoe said:
Agreed. I saw one guy praying loudly to Jesus constantly, clutching a cross with beads, and waving to "heaven". He wasn't a counter, but I thought it would make a neat act, with the added bonus of annoying nearby players and pit critters.
Catholic Mysticism...



Well-Known Member
camoflage voodoo

I don't know of too many orders of nuns that still wear habits and most priests at least catholic ones that gamble wouldn't wear the collar inside a casino. I thought of dressing in drag but the bathroom issue would really cut that act short. I still use the superstition camo because you can talk your way out of the really big bets and the way you played it.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Agreed. I saw one guy praying loudly to Jesus constantly, clutching a cross with beads, and waving to "heaven". He wasn't a counter, but I thought it would make a neat act, with the added bonus of annoying nearby players and pit critters.
Intrigued, I watched a little ol lady who was occasionally muttering: "Hit me good, Jesus. Hit me good, Jesus..." every time she hit a stiff, while slapping the table. After some time, I concluded the following:
1 Jesus apparently says 'No!' a lot more than he says 'Yes!' at blackjack.

2 This is not a very good system for desperates.
3 It may be that Jesus is not all that interested in casino games.
4 Maybe, like the rest of us, Jesus has his good days...
5 Why would Jesus care about card games, anyway?

If I ever spot her again, I'll give her a copy of The Count and tell her to incorporate him with Jesus...



Well-Known Member
The ship sank = unlucky 4

I strike a rapport with a senior citizen and he doesn't want to split his 4's V dealer 4. I ask why. His reply is a classic for Voodoo annals: "Four is an unlucky number. I never split 4s." I ask: "Why are fours unlucky?"
Because: "How many funnels did the Titanic have? Four." Voodoo logic never ceases to amaze me. :grin:


Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
I strike a rapport with a senior citizen and he doesn't want to split his 4's V dealer 4. I ask why. His reply is a classic for Voodoo annals: "Four is an unlucky number. I never split 4s." I ask: "Why are fours unlucky?"
Because: "How many funnels did the Titanic have? Four." Voodoo logic never ceases to amaze me. :grin:
All of a sudden my life adds up. My lucky number was 44, along with some type of 4 on my jersey of any sport I played. My street address starts with a 4. And worse off yet . . . . I do split 4's!!!


Well-Known Member
Bulk Hogan unbulks

Deathclutch said:
All of a sudden my life adds up. My lucky number was 44, along with some type of 4 on my jersey of any sport I played. My street address starts with a 4. And worse off yet . . . . I do split 4's!!!
Hulk Hogan was out here in Oz last week. The old boy with his 4s fetish would probably go for this magic cloth as well...

