Psychics and blackjack


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever hired a psychic to go to the blackjack tables with them and posted the results for the amusement of the Internet? A quick Google search of "psychic blackjack" and related terms yields no lulz. :)

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
I found with my own psychic ability I can predict the dealers card value and suit approximately one time in 52....maybe I should be in the psychic biz.


Well-Known Member
When given an Ace as a first card,I can mentally steer a ten my way almost one third of the times.


callipygian said:
Has anyone ever hired a psychic to go to the blackjack tables with them and posted the results for the amusement of the Internet? A quick Google search of "psychic blackjack" and related terms yields no lulz. :)
Yes. I have used an expert with psychotronic pendulum to preselect my choice of casinos from a list for the day. zg


Well-Known Member
Not psychics but psyco chicks

Perhaps you stated it incorrectly but I have great times at blackjack tables with psyco chicks. Sometimes I bring them and sometimes they show up on their own.
Or do I have the topic right?



callipygian said:
Has anyone ever hired a psychic to go to the blackjack tables with them and posted the results for the amusement of the Internet? A quick Google search of "psychic blackjack" and related terms yields no lulz. :)
What would you want the psychic to tell you specifically? How many BlackJacks you are going to get per shoe, or just if it would be a winning session or not? I can't really say that I believe it's possible, cause if it is the psychics would close up their shops and gamble for a living.



Well-Known Member
Licentia said:
I can't really say that I believe it's possible, cause if it is the psychics would close up their shops and gamble for a living.
There's no question that it's not possible. The question is whether enough videotape of such debunking exists for my amusement.

This thread is about gathering entertainment, not gathering information.


Hire Me I'm a psychic

You could hire me for just $1000 plus airfare and lodging, and I will... Wait a second I'm having a premonition... It is coming clear to me... Wait... Wait... DARN, never mind, its clear to me now, you are gonna lose. Oh Well better luck next time.


Well-Known Member
pyshics on tables

I have in the past used a form of pyshic energy to pick which table to play at. You may call it karma or anything you like but it is an energy at the table. I just recently played at my favorite casino for the day and ended up going back time and time again to the same table and seat only to win time and time again. Throughout the day I would leave and do other games only to see my spot open up after my breaks. It was like the seat (3rd base) was saying "come back and sit " which I would do time and time again. I only broke one rule which was to wong out at the proper time. It didn't matter because I knew the majority of my hands were winners. To coin a phrase from the wise amphibian "this was my lucky spot". blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
,,,,. It didn't matter because I knew the majority of my hands were winners. To coin a phrase from the wise amphibian "this was my lucky spot". blackchipjim
hmm, blackchipjim your gonna have to teach me how to do that. :)


Well-Known Member
State of mind

I wish I knew why it happens Sagefrog I'm clueless. It almost comes on without warning and I don't control it, it just happens. I walk thru a casino with my wife and sometimes I just tell her to play this machine and she wins. It's sometimes spooks me but it is fun when it does happen. I piss her off sometimes too when she can't hit anything I'll walk up to her table where is playing and tell her she'll hit now that I'm here and she does. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I wish I knew why it happens Sagefrog I'm clueless. It almost comes on without warning and I don't control it, it just happens. I walk thru a casino with my wife and sometimes I just tell her to play this machine and she wins. It's sometimes spooks me but it is fun when it does happen. I piss her off sometimes too when she can't hit anything I'll walk up to her table where is playing and tell her she'll hit now that I'm here and she does. blackchipjim
my wife makes a point of telling me when her left hand is itching.
sposed to mean she's gonna come into money.:)


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
my wife makes a point of telling me when her left hand is itching.
sposed to mean she's gonna come into money.:)
She must know my wife.... only thing over here is it starts itching every Friday night. Then when we arrive she walks by the $1 slots waiting for the machine to talk to her.....

Hmm.. funny how it works so good for her and never for me.



Well-Known Member
bjcount said:
She must know wife.... only thing over here is it starts itching every Friday night.

yeah, probably Sonny needs to move this to the zen zone, it's shaping up to obviously be conspiracy theory. :eek::rolleyes::whip:


Well-Known Member
energy fields

The best way to explain the phenom that happens at various times in a casino is aura. Instead of focusing on the game redirect your mind to table energy is it good or bad. I find it difficult to do this when the place is crowded it's easier when the place is calmer. First thing in the morning but not too early because you may be in a fog from sleeping. It has hit at night when the crowds have died down early in the morining. I use to do it with slots on my last night in vegas with an all nighter called my 20/20 roll,20minutes or 20 bucks and leave. I have adapted this to bj with wonging out at neg counts and not staying long in one place. If I ever trully understand how this works I'll write a book about it. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
The best way to explain the phenom that happens at various times in a casino is aura. Instead of focusing on the game redirect your mind to table energy is it good or bad. I find it difficult to do this when the place is crowded it's easier when the place is calmer. First thing in the morning but not too early because you may be in a fog from sleeping. It has hit at night when the crowds have died down early in the morining.
you know, i just realized something. i don't think i've ever in my life tryed and see if in any way i could tap into a 'psychic' what ever you wanna call it. :)
but lol it seems more the rule than the exception when i'm playing cvbj and i'll like say to myself, this is stupid this hand'll never win. lol and then of course it virtually invariably does win sort of thing.
I use to do it with slots on my last night in vegas with an all nighter called my 20/20 roll,20minutes or 20 bucks and leave. I have adapted this to bj with wonging out at neg counts and not staying long in one place. If I ever trully understand how this works I'll write a book about it. blackchipjim
20/20 roll, interesting and adapting it to wonging out at neg counts sort of thing. that's kind of how i'm trying to adapt stop/win & stop/loss points to be complimentry to wong out points sort of thing.
and i like the 20 minute thing, i like short sessions long as it doesn't entail bailing out of a positive count, nuthin to do with camo, just i think short sessions and luck go well together.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
good one

You have the best analogy of what it feels like Zg when it's present. You can do it with slot machines as funny as it sounds but it works with tables. I always thought the machines were emitting electrical impulses that my mind or body was picking up but it works with tables also. I never really trust my senses with the tables because that would be against what I am trained to do at a blackjack table. I have used it at three card poker tables and have been successful. I just wish it would kick in at the caribbean stud table just once. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
Not psychics but psyco chicks


Perhaps you stated it incorrectly but I have great times at blackjack tables with psyco chicks. Sometimes I bring them and sometimes they show up on their own.
Or do I have the topic right?

I agree the crazier the woman the more fun lol I bet we would have a blast at the casino I hate17!!! I find they usually show up on they're own though haha.

my wife makes a point of telling me when her left hand is itching.
sposed to mean she's gonna come into money.

My grandmother is an avid slot player and has always said itchy hands mean that you are gonna come into money lol. When i see her ill be sure to ask her if its ever worked out. She is supersticious so im sure one itch of her palm and shes off to mohegan.