questions about tipping dealers


Well-Known Member
Wow lots of feedback haha. Well as a dealer it's definately nice to receive a "piece of the pie" when someone gets lucky and wins big. And most of the counters that do come to my particular casino I have respect for, tips or not. I just understand, but after dealing for 2 years not only do we have to deal TO people, we must also deal WITH them. Some people can pretty much ruin my day just with their attitude towards me and the game. I like to have fun and joke with the players, but I don't like being given a hard time for minor bullshit that has nothing to do with me. Such as blaming bad cards on me or whatever, I've even had a guy say that if the players lose it's actually all my fault...? Because I'm the one who shuffled the cards.
In my mind I'm thinking it's their own fault for playing the game and putting their own money at risk, I didn't force anyone to play now did I? lol just a little rant.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Waiters may receive only $2 or $3 as a base wage, and the rest of their income is dependent on the tips they receive. In all my years as a salaried employee, I received a living wage whether I did a good job that day or not.

For the first part, I live in a state where waiters should be paid at least ~$8/hour. People still tip customarily, the same %. I really don't get it, because it conflicts with the current role of tipping (making up for the difference between $2 and $8 per hour).

For the second part, I have been doing well too, and you and I had to work hard for it. I had to take risks and invest in my education, attend to college, grad school for years and had to work really hard to get into jobs that paid well. At that time, those people were probably slacking somewhere, which was their personal choice. Now, they don't have a right to complain, because they're making what they make, because of the choices they made throughout their life. Some waitstaff personnel works during college, but I also had to do internships during college that paid very little, if not at all.

shadroch said:
Why do people spend paragraphs making excuses instead of simply saying they are cheap.
You want your waiter to be paid $50,000 a year by his employer so you don't have to tip, fine. Just be prepared to pay twice as much for your dinner.
I guess this is also directed at me, so I'd say in general I'm a frugal person. However, I'd be happy to pay 11.50 instead of 10.00; I just would like it to be clearly stated, rather than be a hidden charge at the end of the process. So, I'm ready to pay more for my dinner. Twice? Well, in that case that restaurant won't have enough customers and they'll have to reduce the prices or go out of business. Free markets at work!

pooptarts92 said:
Ok guys as a dealer somehow I feel obligated to tip every time I win, as long as it's over $100 or so. But I know tipping bits of your BR can increase RoR. How much (if at all) do you guys tip (depending on how much you win)?
I have some fine regular dealers and they give me what I want and I tip good!

As far as I am concerned it is worth every dollar.

Positive EV for me baby!:grin:

Always warm and fuzzy,
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Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Europe doesn't have an illegal immigration problem? Seriously?
Suppose every casino in Vegas decided today to pay every employee a minimum of $15 an hour, where would that money come from?
Yes Europe does not have nearly the illegal immigration problem as the US.

The money would come from the fact that much fewer people would be living in poverty and could thus afford a Vegas vacation.


Well-Known Member
Tipping is just the way it is. All the complaining in the world is not going to change it. I like AM's comments, making some sense out of the practice. I think my dislike for casino owners in general may be part of my resistance toward treating dealers like waiters, although I do normally tip dealers according to the size of my wins and sometimes my mood, but be sure it is not 15% or 20%. Maybe I should rethink my tipping practices. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
Yes Europe does not have nearly the illegal immigration problem as the US.
Europeans have some real problems as well. In France, more than 70% of their prison population is Muslim. In UK, Bradford (a city of 500,000) is now 95% Muslim. At least a Mex is usually not that particular religion and so are not likely to blow themselves up, or the casino. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
Yes Europe does not have nearly the illegal immigration problem as the US.
Are you kidding?

Yes, illegal immigration from Mexico, the Carribbean and Latin America is a problem in the US, but please take a look at a map of Europe. We - the member states of the European Union - have illegals coming in from North and West Africa, the former states of the Soviet Bloc, the Indian sub-continent, the Middle East and Afghanistan. Sorry, but it's far easier for migrants to make it to Europe from these places than across the Atlantic. And, once they've managed to enter the EU (normally by entering one of the member states closest) it's relatively easy to travel to other member states as within the Union border controls between states can be lax to non-existent. Needless to say, when illegals enter the EU they tend to head for the more affluent member states - UK, Germany, France, Holland etc. Not too many head for Romania or Poland.

Although illegal immigration is a problem in the US (particularly in California, Texas and Florida? - Can't think Kansas has a big problem?), it ain't nothing compared to the problems being experienced by the affluent states of Europe.

Responding to Katweezel's point, I wouldn't say that Bradford is 95% muslim, although it has a disproportionately high %age of those from ethnic minorities who practice Islam when compared to other parts of the country, including London. It should be noted though, that the vast majority are not illegal immigrants but have UK citizenship and/or rights to reside in the UK. I suspect a high %age of muslims in Bradford were born in the UK - so it strays slightly off point went discussing illegal immigration. Having said that, it's a lot easier for illegal immigrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh to lose themselves in Bradford than it would be in, say, the Cotswolds (a green, leafy, quintessential part of England where the locals still flog vagrants and burn witches - a bit like where I live actually).

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Katweezel said:
Europeans have some real problems as well. In France, more than 70% of their prison population is Muslim. In UK, Bradford (a city of 500,000) is now 95% Muslim. At least a Mex is usually not that particular religion and so are not likely to blow themselves up, or the casino. :mad:
There are a lot of muslims who are bad apples, just like US has a lot of black bad apples. That doesn't mean because someone follows Islam they're automatically a terrorist.

And that said, you are right, we are lucky our illegal problem comes from latin america, opposed to eastern europe, africa, etc. I think the problem of how employers can get away with exploiting these hard working people is worse than the problem of them being here, per se.

Interestingly enough, Islam used to be a very progressive religion, it wasn't until the last century that the loonies took over and sent them back to the stone age, terrorism, subjugation of women, etc. Many of the most important achievements of humanity came from the Muslim world when Europe was in the dark ages.

But yeah, tipping is a stupid system, but there's not much I can do except suck it up and pay the extra 15%.


Well-Known Member
On the pooling of tips: It's a bit required.

Most casinos have tables ranging from $10 minimums to $100 or more minimums. People at $10 tables tip much less than those at $100 tables. Does this mean that dealers that are instructed to deal $10 tables should receive fewer tips? They're still dealing the same game.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
There are a lot of muslims who are bad apples, just like US has a lot of black bad apples. That doesn't mean because someone follows Islam they're automatically a terrorist.

And that said, you are right, we are lucky our illegal problem comes from latin america, opposed to eastern europe, africa, etc. I think the problem of how employers can get away with exploiting these hard working people is worse than the problem of them being here, per se.

Interestingly enough, Islam used to be a very progressive religion, it wasn't until the last century that the loonies took over and sent them back to the stone age, terrorism, subjugation of women, etc. Many of the most important achievements of humanity came from the Muslim world when Europe was in the dark ages.

But yeah, tipping is a stupid system, but there's not much I can do except suck it up and pay the extra 15%.
The topic of Islam is obviously better suited for discussion down on the Zen Zone, but these days, few people are prepared to travel that far to express points of view. Perhaps in time that might change...

Yes Islam was as you say, but it was a religion of peace only for 13 years, until Muhammad went to Medina. From then on, it became a religion of conquest and war. In the modern age, the fact remains, conquest and conversion by force if necessary is now even higher on their agenda and this is a seductive philosophy for young, misguided disciples who see their holy book as the word of god. (Familiar human story.)

Back to tipping. Although Australian BJ is known for its generally poor rules, it's not all bad. There are two good points. Tipping is illegal. And a winner pays zero tax, no matter how much is won.


Well-Known Member
rrwoods said:
On the pooling of tips: It's a bit required.

Most casinos have tables ranging from $10 minimums to $100 or more minimums. People at $10 tables tip much less than those at $100 tables. Does this mean that dealers that are instructed to deal $10 tables should receive fewer tips? They're still dealing the same game.
Generally they put the better dealers at the higher min tables. Shouldn't those that are better at what they do make more? Same is true of restaurants - generally the higher end restaurants have better service.

BTW, not everywhere pools tips. Dealers keep their own tips in most Colorado casinos and some places in Reno. There are probably others.


Well-Known Member
Blue Efficacy said:
Many of the most important achievements of humanity came from the Muslim world when Europe was in the dark ages.
Can you name one? I am not disputing your word, but currently I cannot see one thing that the Muslim world is contributing to humanity. I don't mind or resist changing my outlook so long as someone can give me some concrete facts to go on. Thanks.
rrwoods said:
On the pooling of tips: It's a bit required.

Most casinos have tables ranging from $10 minimums to $100 or more minimums. People at $10 tables tip much less than those at $100 tables. Does this mean that dealers that are instructed to deal $10 tables should receive fewer tips? They're still dealing the same game.
Pooling of tips does make scheduling a lot easier, particularly in a large store with a high limit room. Without it, nobody is going to want to work the $3 tables. It also prevents toke hustling and similar behaviors that could turn off customers.

Have you ever seen the way the toke committee handles the tips? It's pretty funny, they pour it all out into a craps table like it was a bathtub to count it. Makes sense, because there's good camera coverage on a craps table.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Can you name one? I am not disputing your word, but currently I cannot see one thing that the Muslim world is contributing to humanity. I don't mind or resist changing my outlook so long as someone can give me some concrete facts to go on. Thanks.
The numbers on your keyboard, on blackjack playing cards, your clock, etc... Those came from them crazy blow-stuff-up aye-rabbs.


Well-Known Member
A common misbelief

Historic fact-checking is in order here.

“The numbers … came from them crazy aye-rabbs.“

This sounds wrong.

The advent of Islam is an historically recent event, about a millennia and a half old.

Numbers, as decimal digits, I believe far predate Islam.

I could be wrong about this, but much of early mathematics was credited to the middle east, when proper credit ought to have gone to the sub-continent that would become India. I am almost certain that this applies to the so-called Arabic Numerals. They were so-named because they were utilized by the Arab Spice Merchants who spread their word (no pun intended) throughout their travels along ancient trade routes.

Of course the BIG revolutionary breakthrough in thinking that established Mathematics as the language of, and the bedrock of, s c i e n c e, was the invention of the number ZERO ! It took a profoundly long time for that concept to be understood and incorporated into simple arithmetic. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Maybe when I move out there, I'll take a job dealing,

If you despise standing on your feet for long periods of time, counting is a lot more comfortable ...
aslan said:
If I win, I will generally throw something their way, ... I am probably tipping too much at times.
I'm not trying to insult you, but these are red flags that suggest you can't win.

Backcounters get more exercise than dealers. I guess you don't know this because you play handheld games and like the social aspect of staying at one table, as opposed to the financial aspect.

You might have more fun and lose less money by playing slow games like Pai-Gow Poker or (real) poker.
KimLee said:
...Backcounters get more exercise than dealers. I guess you don't know this because you play handheld games and like the social aspect of staying at one table, as opposed to the financial aspect....

Standing still is much more fatiguing than walking around like a backcounter does. A dealer usually doesn't stay on shift for more than an hour without a break and he might hurt himself if he tried to. He can't take a step or even turn around back there.

The social aspect and the financial aspect of the game are often the same thing. The most profitable plays I have ever made at the BJ table have involved social engineering. If I were willing to screw civilians I would base an entire game plan around social engineering and it would make a lot more money than I do now.

It's a good thing most girls aren't good at math, because a combination of male technical skills and female manipulative skills would be a danger to us all! :devil: