KimLee said:
I'm not trying to insult you, but these are red flags that suggest you can't win.
Backcounters get more exercise than dealers. I guess you don't know this because you play handheld games and like the social aspect of staying at one table, as opposed to the financial aspect.
You might have more fun and lose less money by playing slow games like Pai-Gow Poker or (real) poker.
I have found that wonging out games are many times easier to find than wonging in games (not that you can't wong out there as well, but you know what I mean). In AC for instance, the better games ruleswise they keep full by not opening up additional tables, meaning that if you try backcounting chances are you will not be able to get a seat when the count turns good. Me, I like the social aspect of the game, but not in preference to the monetary aspect. I must have poorly worded my previous post. Also, currently in Vegas, there are few stores that I have found where you can back count due to NME, and places or games where you can are often sweatboxes. I'm not saying you can't find them, but BJ is getting to be a wonging out proposition. Team play attracts me, because I do know places where this will work well.
Why would I do better at a game where I have no advantage. With wonging out, coupled with counting, many games are beatable if only marginally. Or don't you agree? I'd sure like to find all these good rule games where backcounting is doable, that is, there is no heat and seats are generally available, and MSE is allowed. The exercise truly belongs to the backcounter because such games appear to me to have practically dried up. If not, somebody please PM me and clue me in on what I'm missing.