sidthesquid said:
now i am a clueless troll of bad luck and misfortune because i do not agree with card counting? or cause i had a few bad trips on at the tables? you guys are very sensetive and i feel very sad for you
You don't agree with card counting?

It's not the easter bunny, or big foot or a unicorn. Card counting is a real thing, proven beyond a doubt by math. There really is nothing to agree or disagree with. This statement just sounds silly.
And No, you are not a clueless troll because of bad luck or a few bad trips at the tables. THAT is a routine part of card counting. You are a troll because you are using this very small and completely insignificant sample size to make a judgment on something you obviously know nothing about. If I walk by a roulette table and see the ball land on red 3 times, I don't assume it always lands on red. That is basically what you have done.
AND because you have not had a good experience (by your own admission) in your....again very insignificantly small number of experiences, you have not only decided card counting doesn't work (when mathematics proves that it does), but now compounding that by challenging experienced, successful players, that DO understand the game and how to win and have had success doing so. Kind of a "
if I can't do it, then nobody can do it" mentality.
Well guess what, I can't run a 4 minute mile (maybe not a 6 minute mile

), but I have seen people run 4 minute miles, so I know it can be done. And I am not going to suggest that no one can do it, simply because I can't. That's what you are doing and how you are coming across. And you have been doing it (attacking me) for 2 solid years on another site, that I didn't even participate on, so I couldn't respond, and now you are doing it here, to not only me, but other known successful players and members of this community.
I have sort of become fair game to attack, ever since a site owner in this community decided he didn't like what I had to say, and allowed people to attack me....which has spread to numerous sites. So I am used to it.

But I don't like you attacking other legitimate knowledgeable players and members of this community. That is why such good, successful players stop participating, so stop your little trolling, temper tantrum.