BoSox said:
I am writing a few words of advice for 21forme, KewlJ, and Moses, take it for what it is worth. Happy New Year, and since it is please start respecting each other. Anyone that has a problem please take it to the site where all three of you can respond back and forth without one of you being locked out period. I no longer want any part of trying to be a ref and break up squabbles. I respect all three of you for your BJ knowledge and learned things from all of you, so thank you. Speaking for myself enough is enough you guys have to grow up sometime and frankly acting the way you do at times is not only embarrassing to each other but also gets in the way of meaningful dialog. As far as I am concerned, there is EQUAL blame to share on this, so please grow up.
BoSox, I return your Happy New Year and wish you the best in 2020, in all phases of life. However I reject your advice, in the strongest terms possible. As a matter of fact, it is a good thing I waited a bit after reading you post before responding, because my initial reaction was some pretty "choice" words for you.
Might I remind you of a few things. Moses, followed me to several forums, attacking and trolling me. At another forum that you and I participate on, he showed up, nice as could be to me before he turned on his attacks and threats. He later admitted to being nice (phony) hoping to get some personal information about me. He then went back to his normal ways and after numerous threats is banned from that Forum, which is one of those that it is almost impossible to be banned from. I think he is one of a total of two people banned because he repeatedly made physical threats.
At WoV, Moses created an account and asked members both publicly and privately if anyone had any information on me, name, pictures, address ect. He was banned (that account) from WoV.
Moses had repeatedly made not only physical threats, but repeated
threats to come to Las Vegas, find me, take pictures and distribute the pictures to every casino and pit in Las Vegas. Repeatedly!
And then low and behold he shows up at my residence this past summer, turned away by security and then tried to sneak past security. It rose to the level that not I, but building management filed a police complaint against him.
While all of these things are completely unacceptable in society, read that part I put in Bold again. THAT should completely disqualify anyone in the AP community from ever being accepted.
So you can take your "EQUAL BLAME" comment and shove it up your ass, BoSox.
If you have learned stuff you consider valuable from Moses, power to you. Frankly I have to question YOUR judgement, because no one can play professionally in Reno, spreading green to black for 30 years. That is pure fantasy. So whatever it is you think you have learned, you should know it is about red chip play, NOT your level or what he is claiming. So good luck with that. Roll in to Reno and play the Moses version of "super duper count", spreading from $5-$15 and you can own the cardboard box Condo right next to his.