BoSox said:
One part of Three's story that I always had a really hard time believing was him always saying that he was very successful while at the same time getting the best of comps available, and almost always be welcomed back. He would emphasize this and attribute it to using a system that completely fooled the house. Complete bullshit! All the house knows is the bottom line and he would not fit the equation. So the possibility is that if his story is true he was more than likely barred everywhere.
There were and continue to be a number of issues with T3's story.
For one thing you don't "fool" the house anymore. For the better part of a decade casinos have been utilizing software for evaluations of players. A more complex count is actually going to line up more accurately with the perfect play effect of removal that the software establishes. So T3 and anyone who argues that their "better" count is benefiting them in this regard is actually 100% wrong and backwards. You aren't going to "fool" the software or the house any more. Those days are gone. Now a days it is about identifying tolerance and comfort levels of casinos and pit that will allow you to
avoid those evaluations in the first place. And it is about playing shorter sessions so you don't provide enough information for those evaluations (as least in one sitting).
It actually irked me quite about that T3 stole my ideas of identifying tolerance and comfort levels. After I was banned, he began using the same exact words and terminology that I had used.

There is nothing wrong with incorporating ideas and things learned from others. God knows.....that is my whole game.....things learned from others and incorporated into my own game sometimes with my own little spin. But it just never felt to me like that is what he was doing. It felt like he was stealing my thoughts as his own. This is in part why I had such a problem with him. And to his credit, fairly recently (in the last years or so) he admitted that "I had an influence on him". It just felt more than that at the felt like he was intentionally stealing.
The second big issue with T3's story continues to be that when he was finally busted....completely debunked by Don S, T3 came back with that he wasn't even talking about regular blackjack with all his claims. Instead he claims to have been talking about SP21, but was unable to say so at the time. THIS also is complete BS. If you go back and read some of the stuff, it is extremely clear what he was talking about.
So other than is/was a great 'story'.