Ok, I am going to briefly (I hope I can keep it brief) comment/respond and I am going to get a lot of grief for doing so. And then I am simply not going to discuss this anymore publicly. I don't know who you are (by this handle) and I just don't wish to publicly discuss this topic any longer for several reasons. And btw, your comment about sending me your OSN profile makes no sense. I could send you a hundred different OSN profiles. How does that prove anything.
I already detailed how I became suspicious and what I did, manually tracking hundreds of sessions of times through the decks to confirm an abnormally high number of true counts. Next I acquired a machine, privately from half way around the world. And low and behold the unit I acquired had the exact same capability. I am not a tech type guy, so my first assumption was that this capability was standard, or the way the machine left the manufacturer. In working with another AP, learning as he went, who is very tech savy, it turns out this capability is not functional when the unit leaves the manufacturer.
So I was wrong in that aspect. BUT, it is pretty easy to get the machine to that capability, for anyone who knows what they are doing. In other words, I believe the manufacturer is still complicit. They know, I think even built in this 'backdoor' capability. Sort of a wink and nod. They are protected because any unit tested will not show that capability, but that backdoor capability to alter is easily available to anyone who has even the slightest knowledge. And to show just how common it is....a unit I randomly acquired had the capability. That is no coincidence. That tells you just how common (and easy) this "altering" is.
That is all I am going to say. The capability is there. The manufacturer has protected themselves, but they left in or put in this backdoor capability. And for that, someone should be held responsible. But I am not the one to do it. I am guessing no other AP is willing to step up and get involved. And the non-AP players probably haven't even figured out what is occurring when they are victim to this situation, which is not widespread...at least at the moment. But there will come a time that somebody brings a case and brings this to light.
In the mean time, all I wanted to do was warn players. If they feel something is wrong, take a closer look for themselves. I did that. I have actually now learned a good deal more, but that is all I am willing to discuss publicly and I shouldn't have even done that. You can believe whatever you like and call me whatever you want. My part in this is done.