Well-Known Member
BoSox, I consider you and I (internet) friends. You have been as supportive of me on with all the trolls that follow me around the internet trying to discredit me (likely really only 1 or 2 people, but many more personalities
). But you just don't make sense on this topic.
Your statements overnight contradict themselves. You say a person will quickly be recognized by the membership in this community concerning validity. I frequently say the same thing, only I switch out credibility. How many times have you heard me say it doesn't take much to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking? Moses is just talking and everyone but you seems to recognize that.
You then go on to say what level he plays is of no concern to you. It should be if his whole story and claim doesn't make sense based on that level.
I share your view that I don't care what level players play. There are many low level red chip players that are successful and knowledgeable. And then, not to pick on anyone, but we have a guy trying to play for a living at the green/black level that seems to really be struggling (treading water) for 3 years now. So that isn't the test. The test is do the pieces fit?
Since you still haven't answered my question about Reno, I will say for the hundredth time, No one can play blackjack professionally, playing only Reno. Reno is a red chip destination. A player is able to roll into town 2-3 times a year, for a few days at a time, over a weekend playing higher, but NO ONE will be tolerated playing green/black or higher regularly and certainly not for decades. That is fantasy stuff.
So everyone seems to recognize the pieces don't fit, except you, BoSox. Now had Moses said, he is a lower limit player, successfully playing Reno supplementing whatever income he has, then the pieces would have fit better and he would have been more credible.
Now frankly, I have found Moses not credible for a very long time. Contrary to popular belief, I don't call out players as credible or not credible very often. I keep that to myself. But when they start saying things that could be harmful, like Moses has done with his no variance statements and T3 did with many statements, then I do feel it is my obligation, all of our obligations to point out the inconsistancies.
Your statements overnight contradict themselves. You say a person will quickly be recognized by the membership in this community concerning validity. I frequently say the same thing, only I switch out credibility. How many times have you heard me say it doesn't take much to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just talking? Moses is just talking and everyone but you seems to recognize that.
You then go on to say what level he plays is of no concern to you. It should be if his whole story and claim doesn't make sense based on that level.
I share your view that I don't care what level players play. There are many low level red chip players that are successful and knowledgeable. And then, not to pick on anyone, but we have a guy trying to play for a living at the green/black level that seems to really be struggling (treading water) for 3 years now. So that isn't the test. The test is do the pieces fit?
Since you still haven't answered my question about Reno, I will say for the hundredth time, No one can play blackjack professionally, playing only Reno. Reno is a red chip destination. A player is able to roll into town 2-3 times a year, for a few days at a time, over a weekend playing higher, but NO ONE will be tolerated playing green/black or higher regularly and certainly not for decades. That is fantasy stuff.
So everyone seems to recognize the pieces don't fit, except you, BoSox. Now had Moses said, he is a lower limit player, successfully playing Reno supplementing whatever income he has, then the pieces would have fit better and he would have been more credible.
Now frankly, I have found Moses not credible for a very long time. Contrary to popular belief, I don't call out players as credible or not credible very often. I keep that to myself. But when they start saying things that could be harmful, like Moses has done with his no variance statements and T3 did with many statements, then I do feel it is my obligation, all of our obligations to point out the inconsistancies.