"Worst cards imaginable"


Well-Known Member
Some weak dealers seem to last forever

MAZ said:
Funny but the casinos keep a profile record of their dealers too. That way weak dealers don't last too long. There is no real way a weak dealer lasts for years without retraining or dismissal. Furthermore, just like counters profiles get shared with other casinos so does a dealers. So if a weak flashing dealer applies to another casino for a job after being let go, its damn hard for them to get a job, especially dealing cards. If you don't know already then I'll let you in on a professional secret, casinos are more paranoid about crooked employees and weak dealers then they are advantage players. Bad employees DO cost the casinos money, APs have a very small chance to. Thats why most newbies think heat is directed at the player when most times its directed at the dealer. Maybe you do keep a book on dealers, but I would really doubt its worth a damn. If you find a weak dealer, I'd bet if you don't play them until they're gone, you won't find them again. That my friend is just the plain damn truth. This only accounts for holecarding, not counting. Your notes on good dealers for counting may stand up for longer, but who really cares if the casinos don't.
Believe what you wish.
The one thing we agree on is that I can not get as many holecarding sessions in as I would like.
The opening of California casinos where dealers go for their own tokes, opened the doors to many dealers who used to deal in other parts of the country. Many never dealed pitch, coming from places like AC and were poorly trained. Others had faults in their dealing but the number of people who actually look or know how to look are very few and probably are not enough to skew the dealers win rate to the point where it looks abnormal on review. The problem in California is simply the casinos are not next to eachother as in Vegas, but if they have a decent double deck game and your target dealer is not dealing pitch, you still have a decent game.

Some California casinos think they are very smart. One hired George Joseph to train their dealers in dealing pitch and introduced a double deck game. Now I am sure Mr Joseph knows exactly how to teach the game but once he was no longer looking over the shoulders of these dealers, bad habits did develope.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
Believe what you wish.
The one thing we agree on is that I can not get as many holecarding sessions in as I would like.
The opening of California casinos where dealers go for their own tokes, opened the doors to many dealers who used to deal in other parts of the country. Many never dealed pitch, coming from places like AC and were poorly trained. Others had faults in their dealing but the number of people who actually look or know how to look are very few and probably are not enough to skew the dealers win rate to the point where it looks abnormal on review. The problem in California is simply the casinos are not next to eachother as in Vegas, but if they have a decent double deck game and your target dealer is not dealing pitch, you still have a decent game.

Some California casinos think they are very smart. One hired George Joseph to train their dealers in dealing pitch and introduced a double deck game. Now I am sure Mr Joseph knows exactly how to teach the game but once he was no longer looking over the shoulders of these dealers, bad habits did develope.

Alright it seems you are trying so hard to keep up your status as a "holecarder" so I will leave you alone. But I want those who don't understand, to know this. All truly successful holecarders work with teams. There are many different ways to do it, but thats how it works. You can see the holecard with one person, but there is just not enough time in the day, week, month, or year, to find the opportunities needed to reach any realistic results alone. Especially if you are a part timer living in an area without multiple casinos with ideal conditions. Otherwise any success you have would have no more statistical relevance as say a couple thousand hands of counting. Sure with a bigger advantage the results are more mid term than long term, but none the less, you WILL NOT play enough holecard hands as a solo part time player living in bumf*ck USA to have any real data. Besides if you don't play it alot, odds are you aren't that good at it anyway. To all you counters out there, shut down your game and only bring it out 2 or 3 times a year. Tell me, how good are you going to be at it.


MAZ said:
Alright it seems you are trying so hard to keep up your status as a "holecarder" so I will leave you alone. But I want those who don't understand, to know this. All truly successful holecarders work with teams. There are many different ways to do it, but thats how it works. You can see the holecard with one person, but there is just not enough time in the day, week, month, or year, to find the opportunities needed to reach any realistic results alone. Especially if you are a part timer living in an area without multiple casinos with ideal conditions. Otherwise any success you have would have no more statistical relevance as say a couple thousand hands of counting. Sure with a bigger advantage the results are more mid term than long term, but none the less, you WILL NOT play enough holecard hands as a solo part time player living in bumf*ck USA to have any real data. Besides if you don't play it alot, odds are you aren't that good at it anyway. To all you counters out there, shut down your game and only bring it out 2 or 3 times a year. Tell me, how good are you going to be at it.
Say MAZ, while you are on the subject, would you please post the holecard playing strategy here. Thanks! zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Say MAZ, while you are on the subject, would you please post the holecard playing strategy here. Thanks! zg
You are an AP are you not? According to one of you most illustrious executive members here its a given that all APs should already know holecard playing strategy. Just in case they come across the situation that it can be used. If thats not true then what else might be suspect here?


MAZ said:
You are an AP are you not? According to one of you most illustrious executive members here its a given that all APs should already know holecard playing strategy. Just in case they come across the situation that it can be used. If thats not true then what else might be suspect here?
C'mon MAZ, some people here need the BJ HC strategy. Either you or AutoMonk post please. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
C'mon MAZ, some people here need the BJ HC strategy. Either you or AutoMonk post please. zg
You know very well old wise one, nothing in life is free. I would bet Sir monkey doesn't know it, and I ain't cheap.


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
Alright it seems you are trying so hard to keep up your status as a "holecarder" so I will leave you alone. But I want those who don't understand, to know this. All truly successful holecarders work with teams. There are many different ways to do it, but thats how it works. You can see the holecard with one person, but there is just not enough time in the day, week, month, or year, to find the opportunities needed to reach any realistic results alone. Especially if you are a part timer living in an area without multiple casinos with ideal conditions. Otherwise any success you have would have no more statistical relevance as say a couple thousand hands of counting. Sure with a bigger advantage the results are more mid term than long term, but none the less, you WILL NOT play enough holecard hands as a solo part time player living in bumf*ck USA to have any real data. Besides if you don't play it alot, odds are you aren't that good at it anyway. To all you counters out there, shut down your game and only bring it out 2 or 3 times a year. Tell me, how good are you going to be at it.
I couldn't agree with this more. To find good holecarding opportunities takes time, and that's time that you are not playing so getting to the long run is far more difficult as you simply don't play as many hands. However if you bring along a few team mates who know the correct strategy for the game you are playing - the information that's useful to you is useful to them - you get 3 times as many hands played per hour with that wonderfully high advantage (depending of course on how often you can see the hole card, but you should have considered that before hand).
Then of course with 3 or 4 really good hole carders you find 3 or 4 times the number of opportunities to play.
And as to the last point about how regularly you practice, without regular practice and focus on what you are trying to achieve, any form of AP is hopeless. It's a skill - that means you have to work on it.
I'll be totally honest on this and say that i've never hole carded (ENHC) and the hole carders that i know of i know through other players who don't exclusively HC, but to my mind the practicalities are fairly obvious if you are trying to do this on any large scale.



Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
You know very well old wise one, nothing in life is free. I would bet Sir monkey doesn't know it, and I ain't cheap.
Ok, assumed we get the opportunity to play a HC game with enough hours to achieve a stastical worthful result. For the game of BJ, do you think that there is a great difference using just one of already published HC-Basic Strategys from one of various sites and books (except BC) than a count that is specific designed for it. I mean would the difference be that big? Just curious.


nightspirit said:
Ok, assumed we get the opportunity to play a HC game with enough hours to achieve a stastical worthful result. For the game of BJ, do you think that there is a great difference using just one of already published HC-Basic Strategys from one of various sites and books (except BC) than a count that is specific designed for it. I mean would the difference be that big? Just curious.
No counting required, just HC-BS. Is it posted online somewhere? Do you have it? If so, post it here, please, or start a new thread in Advanced.

If someone has the 3-Card Poker HC strategy, post that in Advanced, too.

Thanks! zg


Well-Known Member
Dust off an old book

zengrifter said:
No counting required, just HC-BS. Is it posted online somewhere? Do you have it? If so, post it here, please, or start a new thread in Advanced.

If someone has the 3-Card Poker HC strategy, post that in Advanced, too.

Thanks! zg
I do not know where hole card BS is on the internet but sure it is out there somewhere.
A hole card BS starts on Page 206 of Million Dollar Blackjack by Ken Uston, but if you did use it exactly as it says, your stay in the casino will most likely be a short one. Things like hitting your 18 or 19 when you know the dealer has 20 are pretty sure to bring you loads of attention and someone will figure out that you only take that hit when the dealer has you beat.

So, if you learn it, always apply common sense along with it.



ihate17 said:
I do not know where hole card BS is on the internet but sure it is out there somewhere.
A hole card BS starts on Page 206 of Million Dollar Blackjack by Ken Uston, but if you did use it exactly as it says, your stay in the casino will most likely be a short one. Things like hitting your 18 or 19 when you know the dealer has 20 are pretty sure to bring you loads of attention and someone will figure out that you only take that hit when the dealer has you beat.

So, if you learn it, always apply common sense along with it.
HC-BS found here -
Dealers Hole Card Strategy:


Well-Known Member
Three card poker

I have never seen a 3CP holecarding BS. I was told years ago, by a holecarder, that if the spotted card is lower than a queen, play with Q,6,2 or better.
I do not play this game hardly and would like to learn a more detailed strategy and perhaps I would.



ihate17 said:
I have never seen a 3CP holecarding BS. I was told years ago, by a holecarder, that if the spotted card is lower than a queen, play with Q,6,2 or better.
I do not play this game hardly and would like to learn a more detailed strategy and perhaps I would.
Someone should oblidge us with the complete 3CP HC strategy, post in Advanced. zg


Well-Known Member
3C odds

I don't know about the HC in 3C, but the flush is extremely important to the player. The original game offered 4:1 odds on a flush. If a player had a big BR, he could last quite sometime in this game. The odds on the flush back then made the game near even or profitable. Within the last year or so the casinos must have figured it out. On the pair plus bet, they dropped the odds on the flush from 4:1 to 3:1. :mad: This is a huge difference. :eek: On a min $5 bet it is a difference of $5. Heck, on any bet, it is equal to the amount bet. :yikes: If you bet $100, you received $100 less....WHOA! :yikes:
If you must play this game, compare it to 6:5 Bj, and DO NOT PLAY AT 3:1, only play when you can get the 4:1.


Well-Known Member

I took a dump again at the tables. After my last negative variance I amanged to get about $1200 back. Then tonight dumped $1000.


I was actually up a bit then I had a shoe that broke me. In one hand I dropped 50 units!!!

Makes me skeptical about splitting 9's against a 4.