Well-Known Member
Some weak dealers seem to last forever
The one thing we agree on is that I can not get as many holecarding sessions in as I would like.
The opening of California casinos where dealers go for their own tokes, opened the doors to many dealers who used to deal in other parts of the country. Many never dealed pitch, coming from places like AC and were poorly trained. Others had faults in their dealing but the number of people who actually look or know how to look are very few and probably are not enough to skew the dealers win rate to the point where it looks abnormal on review. The problem in California is simply the casinos are not next to eachother as in Vegas, but if they have a decent double deck game and your target dealer is not dealing pitch, you still have a decent game.
Some California casinos think they are very smart. One hired George Joseph to train their dealers in dealing pitch and introduced a double deck game. Now I am sure Mr Joseph knows exactly how to teach the game but once he was no longer looking over the shoulders of these dealers, bad habits did develope.
Believe what you wish.MAZ said:Funny but the casinos keep a profile record of their dealers too. That way weak dealers don't last too long. There is no real way a weak dealer lasts for years without retraining or dismissal. Furthermore, just like counters profiles get shared with other casinos so does a dealers. So if a weak flashing dealer applies to another casino for a job after being let go, its damn hard for them to get a job, especially dealing cards. If you don't know already then I'll let you in on a professional secret, casinos are more paranoid about crooked employees and weak dealers then they are advantage players. Bad employees DO cost the casinos money, APs have a very small chance to. Thats why most newbies think heat is directed at the player when most times its directed at the dealer. Maybe you do keep a book on dealers, but I would really doubt its worth a damn. If you find a weak dealer, I'd bet if you don't play them until they're gone, you won't find them again. That my friend is just the plain damn truth. This only accounts for holecarding, not counting. Your notes on good dealers for counting may stand up for longer, but who really cares if the casinos don't.
The one thing we agree on is that I can not get as many holecarding sessions in as I would like.
The opening of California casinos where dealers go for their own tokes, opened the doors to many dealers who used to deal in other parts of the country. Many never dealed pitch, coming from places like AC and were poorly trained. Others had faults in their dealing but the number of people who actually look or know how to look are very few and probably are not enough to skew the dealers win rate to the point where it looks abnormal on review. The problem in California is simply the casinos are not next to eachother as in Vegas, but if they have a decent double deck game and your target dealer is not dealing pitch, you still have a decent game.
Some California casinos think they are very smart. One hired George Joseph to train their dealers in dealing pitch and introduced a double deck game. Now I am sure Mr Joseph knows exactly how to teach the game but once he was no longer looking over the shoulders of these dealers, bad habits did develope.