In playing this game as a counter for about 30 years, I have had 4 streaks of losses of over 20 hands in a row. The stats tell us that in a 1,000 hand period we should have one streak of about 10 losses in a row. My worst streak was I think 26 hands straight. I might have been 25 or 27 and if you add in a couple of doubles or splits included in this group it just might have made it to 30 hands.
Some of these bets were minimal and some were high, but all were based on the current count at the time. In 3 of the 4 cases, I still finished my trip as a winner.
For the superstitious amongst us, none of these were at one table because if the count tanked I wonged out, carrying my bad fortune with me to the next seat. In one case I lost 10 straight flat betting, went and had dinner and lost 6 at my next table, wonged out and joined another table losing 5 before winning one. My worst streak was interrupted by having a night's sleep only to continue the next day, different casino, different shift.
The point to this whole post is that the only reason that perhaps I am not homeless and a pauper today is the fact that I did not play a martingale progression during any of these streaks from hell. You know, betting the total economy of a mid sized nation in order to win one single unit and turn your losing streak into a win.
These streaks have nothing to do with the table, the dealer, the cards or the casino, they have everything to do with the probability of unlikely things happening. These things can happen at anytime and if you play long enought it will happen.