YEt another road trip


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight: The Casino Manager took countermeasures against a guy who was “guesstimating” the count, making lots of wild cover plays, tipping a lot, playing with stop-loss bankrolls, making several mistakes per hour, doesn’t know BS and was using the martingale system? I think they made a big mistake.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
So let me get this straight: The Casino Manager took countermeasures against a guy who was “guesstimating” the count, making lots of wild cover plays, tipping a lot, playing with stop-loss bankrolls, making several mistakes per hour, doesn’t know BS and was using the martingale system? I think they made a big mistake.


Its a good thing i refused to believe half the b/s you were splattering all over the board.

It was a fun weekend for me, i averaged 1600 a day, with stop loss bankrolls, martingale system while getting a bj at the table!!!:laugh:

Ps...Normally this would be the point where you think that by threatening to lock the thread, i will shrink back and kiss your ass...AS we have seen before, i am not given to such acts of internet suckup-ness.....

peace out!!!!:grin:

----This is the part where you attempt to threaten me
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Well-Known Member
biggamejames said:
..Actually you can even guestimate DD and get a pretty decent range of a positive count. It is really really easy to see when the big cards are out or the little ones.
please explain how you go about this.


Well-Known Member
biggamejames said:
Its a good thing i refused to believe half the b/s you were splattering all over the board.
You don’t have to listen to anything I say, but you should at least listen to someone. Numerous people have tried to help you but you have either ignored their insight or brushed it off as “smart ass little snips.” You have even resorted to personal insults against many of us. You are free to play however you like, but don’t try to present your superstitious beliefs as facts when everyone here can clearly see your mistakes. Again, don’t take my word for it. You can ignore our help all you want but don’t expect to make such silly posts and not get ridiculed. If you are ready to learn how to play properly then we can help. Otherwise, don’t expect us to be moved by success stories using the martingale system, stop-loss bankrolls, “cold” tables, “paying” dealers or any other nonsense.

Or perhaps I should just listen to your advice…

biggamejames said:
never waste time trying to teach a ploppy the full rules of the game because you will simply baffle them.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking of something shadroch (I think it was) brought up -- that a lot of what we say here might seem a little weird to someone unfamiliar with it. Someone who maybe learned blackjack by observation, and has been playing for a number of years.

Of course, BGJ can play however he wants to. I don't think we're going to change his mind about much, and we probably shouldn't even try.

I'm a little curious about BGJ's background. How he learned what he knows. How someone can be a counter, but not know basic strategy. (That wasn't meant to be an insult, but it is pretty different.)


Well-Known Member
What I'm curious about is when did 15 year old boys start writing to The Blackjack Forum instead of the Penthouse Forum?


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
I'm a little curious about BGJ's background. How he learned what he knows. How someone can be a counter, but not know basic strategy. (That wasn't meant to be an insult, but it is pretty different.)
There’s certainly no shortage in misinformation floating around the casinos. Most players don’t have the slightest clue about proper play and will usually give you bad advice. Even the dealers and pit bosses often don’t know correct basic strategy either. And those little BS cards you get in the gift shop are usually for a 4-deck game that doesn’t allow LS or DAS, which most casinos don’t offer. It’s easy to see how someone who learns to play BJ “in the field” can get so far off track. To make matters worse, there are countless system sellers out there like John Patrick who are teaching “modified” basic strategies that are filled with errors.

Another problem is that gamblers tend to go with advice that seems logical and reasonable despite being mathematically inaccurate. They make decisions based on what makes sense instead of what the truth is. That makes it very hard for a seasoned gambler to accept concepts that are different than what they are used to hearing. Things like hitting A,7 and doubling A,8 seem absolutely ridiculous to most gamblers (and logically so), but they are part of proper basic strategy.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
There’s certainly no shortage in misinformation floating around the casinos. Most players don’t have the slightest clue about proper play and will usually give you bad advice. Even the dealers and pit bosses often don’t know correct basic strategy either. And those little BS cards you get in the gift shop are usually for a 4-deck game that doesn’t allow LS or DAS, which most casinos don’t offer. It’s easy to see how someone who learns to play BJ “in the field” can get so far off track. To make matters worse, there are countless system sellers out there like John Patrick who are teaching “modified” basic strategies that are filled with errors.

Another problem is that gamblers tend to go with advice that seems logical and reasonable despite being mathematically inaccurate. They make decisions based on what makes sense instead of what the truth is. That makes it very hard for a seasoned gambler to accept concepts that are different than what they are used to hearing. Things like hitting A,7 and doubling A,8 seem absolutely ridiculous to most gamblers (and logically so), but they are part of proper basic strategy.

That's for sure, though I know one joint where dealers & pit crew give pretty good advice.

What amazes me about there being so much misinformation on just BS, is IT'S SO EASY TO FIND THESE DAYS! I could understand not knowing 20-30 years ago, but now you can go into any Barnes and Noble or better yet on the internet and find dozens of places (like here) with free BS charts. Yea, there's some junk even there, but look around and you can learn pretty quick which are OK.

I can see that some people don't know evreything ... like how to play a soft 17, but going out and wasting money at a table without much of an idea how to play is just stupid when it takes about 15 minutes to learn to play or print an accurate BS chart.


Well-Known Member
In a similar vein,I'm amazed that this very site sells a set of BS cards for $17.99 while also letting you print up your own for free.
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Well-Known Member

biggamejames said:
Its a good thing i refused to believe half the b/s you were splattering all over the board.

It was a fun weekend for me, i averaged 1600 a day, with stop loss bankrolls, martingale system while getting a bj at the table!!!:laugh:

Ps...Normally this would be the point where you think that by threatening to lock the thread, i will shrink back and kiss your ass...AS we have seen before, i am not given to such acts of internet suckup-ness.....

peace out!!!!:grin:

----This is the part where you attempt to threaten me

In playing this game as a counter for about 30 years, I have had 4 streaks of losses of over 20 hands in a row. The stats tell us that in a 1,000 hand period we should have one streak of about 10 losses in a row. My worst streak was I think 26 hands straight. I might have been 25 or 27 and if you add in a couple of doubles or splits included in this group it just might have made it to 30 hands.
Some of these bets were minimal and some were high, but all were based on the current count at the time. In 3 of the 4 cases, I still finished my trip as a winner.
For the superstitious amongst us, none of these were at one table because if the count tanked I wonged out, carrying my bad fortune with me to the next seat. In one case I lost 10 straight flat betting, went and had dinner and lost 6 at my next table, wonged out and joined another table losing 5 before winning one. My worst streak was interrupted by having a night's sleep only to continue the next day, different casino, different shift.

The point to this whole post is that the only reason that perhaps I am not homeless and a pauper today is the fact that I did not play a martingale progression during any of these streaks from hell. You know, betting the total economy of a mid sized nation in order to win one single unit and turn your losing streak into a win.

These streaks have nothing to do with the table, the dealer, the cards or the casino, they have everything to do with the probability of unlikely things happening. These things can happen at anytime and if you play long enought it will happen.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
There’s certainly no shortage in misinformation floating around the casinos. Most players don’t have the slightest clue about proper play and will usually give you bad advice. Even the dealers and pit bosses often don’t know correct basic strategy either. And those little BS cards you get in the gift shop are usually for a 4-deck game that doesn’t allow LS or DAS, which most casinos don’t offer. It’s easy to see how someone who learns to play BJ “in the field” can get so far off track. To make matters worse, there are countless system sellers out there like John Patrick who are teaching “modified” basic strategies that are filled with errors.

Another problem is that gamblers tend to go with advice that seems logical and reasonable despite being mathematically inaccurate. They make decisions based on what makes sense instead of what the truth is. That makes it very hard for a seasoned gambler to accept concepts that are different than what they are used to hearing. Things like hitting A,7 and doubling A,8 seem absolutely ridiculous to most gamblers (and logically so), but they are part of proper basic strategy.

Your previous post did nothing but attack me. You didnt offer even one single insightful piece of advice. As soon as i point out that fact, and foil your pathetic attempt to get me in another pissing contest, then you become mr "I am gonna take the high road"

No where in my post do i advocate for any one to use the martingale. Matter of fact if you actually read the post you would see that i specifcally state that i martingaled specifically as a cover.

I dont need some idiot posting bullshit about how the martingale will fail in the long run. I already friggin know that.

I als dont need some egotistical moderator revising my statements so as to make up stories of his own. Like this **** here.

plays, tipping a lot, playing with stop-loss bankrolls, making several mistakes
A complete exageration of my post...But i am supposed to take this as sagely ****ing advice from the forums biggest assholes who simply has a gripe with me because i made a fool out of him when he recently made some remarkbly stupid comments recently..
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Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
In playing this game as a counter for about 30 years, I have had 4 streaks of losses of over 20 hands in a row. The stats tell us that in a 1,000 hand period we should have one streak of about 10 losses in a row. My worst streak was I think 26 hands straight. I might have been 25 or 27 and if you add in a couple of doubles or splits included in this group it just might have made it to 30 hands.
Some of these bets were minimal and some were high, but all were based on the current count at the time. In 3 of the 4 cases, I still finished my trip as a winner.
For the superstitious amongst us, none of these were at one table because if the count tanked I wonged out, carrying my bad fortune with me to the next seat. In one case I lost 10 straight flat betting, went and had dinner and lost 6 at my next table, wonged out and joined another table losing 5 before winning one. My worst streak was interrupted by having a night's sleep only to continue the next day, different casino, different shift.

The point to this whole post is that the only reason that perhaps I am not homeless and a pauper today is the fact that I did not play a martingale progression during any of these streaks from hell. You know, betting the total economy of a mid sized nation in order to win one single unit and turn your losing streak into a win.

These streaks have nothing to do with the table, the dealer, the cards or the casino, they have everything to do with the probability of unlikely things happening. These things can happen at anytime and if you play long enought it will happen.


Ihate17, dont waste time preaching about the martingale. I know exactly how it works. If you read my post and understood it, i do not advocate for it at all.
I did state i specifically used it as a cover play in combination with a positive count. It just so turned out that i was losing the first few progressions combined with an improving count that would force me to put up amounts i that were a little over my pre planned range.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
please explain how you go about this.

Try this, open your eyes really really wide open...kind like this guy--->:eek:
keep a mental note of how many face cards and aces come out vs low cards without bothering to count...its not very hard to do...

I have heard many ploppies make a comment like "Oh no, we all got 20s so most of the face cards are out" or "after seeing all those low cards come out, i didnt wanna take a hit because i thought a face card was coming out" "oh **** the dealer made a 6 card 21"

If ploppies can make such observations, there is no reason why a player who has played enough single or DD cant "guestimate" the count.

Ps..Now folks i am not advocating that any one do this. I am just saying its possible. For some reason this guy seems to be interested in this exercise, thats why i am answering his question.

So please dont friggin waste my time with your idiot bullshit about how i said guestimating the count is right and people should do it. I know there is an imbecile out there just dying to post that i suggest such a thing.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
What I'm curious about is when did 15 year old boys start writing to The Blackjack Forum instead of the Penthouse Forum?
I guess like in the case of this forum, penthouse must have sent over your...and forced you to...:laugh:

Ps...May be you should go back to...hard earned cash...trips to las vegas.
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Well-Known Member
sounds like BGJ is getting his panties in a bunch. just relax - it will be ok. :)


If you have just recently taken up counting what are you doing trying to make a living or income doing it? What made you decide you could make a living doing this? I would think you should be very experienced at counting before you would venture into playing to make a living.
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Well-Known Member
biggamejames said:
Your previous post did nothing but attack me. You didnt offer even one single insightful piece of advice.
My advice, if you care to re-read the post, is to stop insulting people and actually start listening to what they are saying. Apparently that advice fell on deaf ears.

biggamejames said:
No where in my post do i advocate for any one to use the martingale.
You do right here:

biggamejames said:
It was a fun weekend for me, i averaged 1600 a day, with stop loss bankrolls, martingale system while getting a bj at the table!!!:laugh:
You imply that using stop-loss bankrolls and the martingale system helped you to average $1,600 per day.

biggamejames said:
A complete exageration of my post...
I think your posts were pretty clear.

“makes wild cover plays”

biggamejames said:
Now i have a bet of about 350 up (yes that was part of a stupid cover play)
biggamejames said:
It just so turned out that i was losing the first few progressions combined with an improving count that would force me to put up amounts i that were a little over my pre planned range.
“tipping a lot”

biggamejames said:
the dealer (who was on very good terms with me at the point because i was up huge and tipping well) begins to coach her and give her some tips
“playing with stop-loss bankrolls”

biggamejames said:
And here i am saying to myself, i am gonna play out 500 bucks and if i lose it i woud leave. In my mind all my other money on the table is non playable so i am playing with a $500 bankroll my base unit being 10 bucks …That was perharps my biggest mistake (i only realized it this morning)… while i am working with the new stop loss BR of 500
“making several mistakes”

biggamejames said:
I make a mistake in about 1 out of every 4 or 5 shoes. I am not yet immune to casino distractions and the like.
“doesn’t know BS”

biggamejames said:
splitting those 7s against a dealer 7 was something i didnt know was part of BS. I swear i had no clue otherwise i wouldnt have wasted my time posting that.
Seriously, you have a lot to learn about BJ. The sooner you drop the attitude and start listening to other people the sooner you can start improving your game. As I said, don't take my word for it...

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Well-Known Member
Now I'm really confused. Didn't Jamieboy tells us how he'd won $60,000 in three months,but had losses in excess of $75,000.Now he's betting red chips and bragging about being up $1600?


Well-Known Member
Bigjimmyjames, making large bets is often not the best way to develop cover. The only times I can think it would be useful is when the pit is (literally) breathing down your neck, or you know the eye is evaluating your play, and you spike out a huge bet either in a very negative count, or off the top of the shuffle. Even then, the bet probably doesn't have to be bigger than your regular big bet.

(Even this may backfire, Ken Uston recounted a scenario with a novice floorman. Kenny started off the top with a big bet, then dropped it partway through the shoe, which triggered the floorman into ordering a reshuffle. The floorman actually got spooked enough to order a reshuffle with any large bet change, up or down).


Well-Known Member
biggamejames said:
Try this, open your eyes really really wide open...kind like this guy--->:eek:
:) that might be bad for cover.....
biggamejames said:
keep a mental note of how many face cards and aces come out vs low cards without bothering to count...its not very hard to do...
right i find it relatively simple. thats why i'm trying to develope it as a skill.
where as you've attempted it with sd & dd i'm working on it for 6 deck. quite a challenge.
when you questimated the count did you quantify your guestimate or view it from a game quality vantage point?