Automatic Monkey
Why? Why not just count? That's not very hard to do either.biggamejames said:...
keep a mental note of how many face cards and aces come out vs low cards without bothering to count...its not very hard to do......
Why? Why not just count? That's not very hard to do either.biggamejames said:...
keep a mental note of how many face cards and aces come out vs low cards without bothering to count...its not very hard to do......
You imply that using stop-loss bankrolls and the martingale system helped you to average $1,600 per day.Quote:
Originally Posted by biggamejames
It was a fun weekend for me, i averaged 1600 a day, with stop loss bankrolls, martingale system while getting a bj at the table!!!
These infantile games of course continue when he cuts off the whole line that would explain that at the time i was employing the martingale as a cover play and that the progression naturally balloned as any progression system would probably turn out. Not to mention, the play was made during a good positive count as i stated in my post so the risk was relatively minimal. But according to this guy apparently it was a wild play..Quote:
Originally Posted by biggamejames
Now i have a bet of about 350 up (yes that was part of a stupid cover play)
“tipping a lot”Quote:
Originally Posted by biggamejames
It just so turned out that i was losing the first few progressions combined with an improving count that would force me to put up amounts i that were a little over my pre planned range.
Now he goes off to claim that i am over tipping simply because i was tipping the dealer well. Let me ask you folks, can you see what this guy is attempting. Not only does he not have a clue as to what i was actually tipping. For all he knows i could have been giving the guy 2 or three bucks an hour. But because i made a fool out of him by exposing the stupidity in one of his idiotic rants he pulls these silly fairy stunts.Quote:
Originally Posted by biggamejames
the dealer (who was on very good terms with me at the point because i was up huge and tipping well) begins to coach her and give her some tips
So making one mistake in 5 shoes now translates to "several mistakes"...Quote:
Originally Posted by biggamejames
I make a mistake in about 1 out of every 4 or 5 shoes. I am not yet immune to casino distractions and the like.
dont worry monkey..Just do it.. Bananas will fall out of the sky and the monkeys shall rule the world. (or may be you could try the novel idea of actually reading a whole paragaraph and understanding it before you go off with this flatulent crap!!!)Automatic Monkey said:Why? Why not just count? That's not very hard to do either.
Or maybe you can try the novel idea of keeping this crap back on your own section of your own website where it belongs. Come on man, you are boring.biggamejames said:dont worry monkey..Just do it.. Bananas will fall out of the sky and the monkeys shall rule the world. (or may be you could try the novel idea of actually reading a whole paragaraph and understanding it before you go off with this flatulent crap!!!)
I made that comment in regards to your original post on page 1:biggamejames said:Here this so called moderator quotes me on a post made after his initial attack and after his initial suggestion that i was advocating for the martingale.
biggamejames said:Every now and then i had been throwing in some "cover plays" and this one time i decided to martingale what started out as a positive shoe about +4 count.
I was assuming that when you said “getting a bj” you meant a blackjack. That is, after all, what this website is all about.biggamejames said:But i guess he chose to look at that item as fact and actually believes i was getting head while playing..
The variance at a high count is pretty much the same as the variance at any other count. From a risk point of view it is not safer to make cover plays in positive counts. The risk can be very high no matter what the count is so making even several small cover plays can increase your short-term variance (SD), long-term variance (RoR) and your long run index (N0). That is why I called it wild.biggamejames said:Not to mention, the play was made during a good positive count as i stated in my post so the risk was relatively minimal. But according to this guy apparently it was a wild play..![]()
I never said over tipping, I said “tipping a lot.” You exaggerated that, not me.biggamejames said:Now he goes off to claim that i am over tipping simply because i was tipping the dealer well.
That doesn’t matter. The amount that you won or lost in that session should have no bearing on your overall betting strategy. Playing to stop-loss bankrolls is very dangerous. What if you win your small sessions and lose your big sessions? You’ll be devastated. Even if you win your big sessions you will have destroyed much of your long run EV by playing the small sessions. Your results will cluster around those big sessions and the smaller sessions will be a waste of time (and variance!).biggamejames said:Not only does he cut out the fact that i was already over and above my expected profit of the day i was up 2500 at that point. Having lost back 700 already.
That’s the difference between gamblers and advantage players. APs never want to “press their play.” They either play with a strong advantage or they quit. People who want to press their luck are called gamblers, not smart players.biggamejames said:Truth be told many smart gamblers when up a large amount but still want to press their play will use this tactic.
I don’t know how much of BS is unknown to you. You may be a perfect player or you may be making several more mistakes. But I do know that learning BS is the very first step to becoming a good player, so such a simple mistake might get me to thinking. Many of your other misconceptions about gambling force me to be cautious.biggamejames said:Ok So i didnt know one BS rule. Does that mean that the rest of B/s is uknown to me? So friggin what?
Yes, and the ones who know when to hit a soft 18 are the smart players. I’ve seen countless people standing on soft 18 too, but they are just gamblers and ploppies. Just because you see other people doing it doesn’t mean it is correct. I though we had covered that already when we pointed out that casino employees often give bad advice too. A smart player should know better.biggamejames said:Well there are many people who dont hit soft 18s and many who do.
Are you sure? What’s the difference in EV? Do you know how much this play is costing you? If not, here's a hint:biggamejames said:I am simply saying its not a big deal that i normally hit my 7s against a dealer 7. Its nothing that big!!
Automatic Monkey said:Or maybe you can try the novel idea of keeping this crap back on your own section of your own website where it belongs. Come on man, you are boring.
Ps..Now folks i am not advocating that any one do this. I am just saying its possible. For some reason this guy seems to be interested in this exercise, thats why i am answering his question.
So please dont friggin waste my time with your idiot bullshit about how i said guestimating the count is right and people should do it. I know there is an imbecile out there just dying to post that i suggest such a thing.
Its quite acceptable, but belongs in the VOODOO forum. zgAutomatic Monkey said:Or maybe (BigGameJ) can try the novel idea of keeping this crap back on (his) own section of your own website where it belongs. Come on man, you are boring.
the degree of difficulty that counting represents is probably greater or lesser for differant individuals. for me it's not so difficult however it becomes a distasteful task over time especially when negative results present in relatively rare positive ev situations.Automatic Monkey said:Why? Why not just count? That's not very hard to do either.
Sonny said:I made that comment in regards to your original post on page 1:
Now you are getting caught up in a web of your own lies. Because if its my original post you are talking about, i do not advocate for using the martingale. I do state i used it for cover. I do not say anywhere that its my preferred system or that people should employ such a system.
Your web of lies is now entangling you!!!
I was assuming that when you said “getting a bj” you meant a blackjack. That is, after all, what this website is all about.
Of course...who is to blame you. Many people do mistake the phrase "getting a GJ at the table" to mean that.... We all understand your mental deficiencies:grin:
The variance at a high count is pretty much the same as the variance at any other count. From a risk point of view it is not safer to make cover plays in positive counts. The risk can be very high no matter what the count is so making even several small cover plays can increase your short-term variance (SD), long-term variance (RoR) and your long run index (N0). That is why I called it wild.
The martingale system is one of the most dangerous cover plays to use because it often has you overbetting and underbetting by large amounts. You would be much better off using something like opposition betting, betting zones, consolidation betting, multiple hands, or just Wonging out after the count drops (or the shuffle). Now there’s a good reason to walk away from a table.
Why are you even posting this ****? Are you now trying to pretend like you came here to debate the merits of cover play or start childish flame wars. Because your first post with those gross exaggerations was clear. I am sure as hell not interested in your ideas about the faults of the martingale. I dont give a rats ass about your opinion on them. If you bothered to read my post you would see that its something i tried on a whim, it worked for me. That does not mean i was telling anyone to use it like you suggest. that does not mean i intend to employ it. So the question stands, why is some guy wasting every ones time preaching against something that no one is arguing for?
Unless of course you know that at this point you do look like the moron i have pegged you for all this time.
And just to show you how stupid you are, i will remind you that every session i play starts out with 500, with my base unit being $10. So your lecture is not only stupid its pretty much contradicts itself because i was playing the same exact amount i play for every session. But if you could read and understand simple english, this would have been very clear from the first post. But thats not your goal here now is it!!!
I am sorry, there is a difference between "over tipping" and "tipping alot"I never said over tipping, I said “tipping a lot.” You exaggerated that, not me.
Good golly almight here i was thinking they meant the exact same thing!!![]()
That doesn’t matter. The amount that you won or lost in that session should have no bearing on your overall betting strategy. Playing to stop-loss bankrolls is very dangerous. What if you win your small sessions and lose your big sessions? You’ll be devastated. Even if you win your big sessions you will have destroyed much of your long run EV by playing the small sessions. Your results will cluster around those big sessions and the smaller sessions will be a waste of time (and variance!).
That’s the difference between gamblers and advantage players. APs never want to “press their play.” They either play with a strong advantage or they quit. People who want to press their luck are called gamblers, not smart players.
Here we go with more posturing and wasting pretty much every ones time with pompous lectures that i am really not interested in. I am not even going to waste my time debating this with you because the simple fact of the matter is that you implied that i was telling people to employ the same issue when in truth, i employed the during the same seating and while up more than double my expected profit for that session.
I dont need these idiotic flatulent lectures from some joe schmoe with the gall to assume that i would be interested in what he has to say about my own money. I make my money i will choose what to do with it. Worry about yours and let me worry about how to spend mine you creep!!!
I don’t know how much of BS is unknown to you. You may be a perfect player or you may be making several more mistakes. But I do know that learning BS is the very first step to becoming a good player, so such a simple mistake might get me to thinking. Many of your other misconceptions about gambling force me to be cautious.
Of course thats a fair assement, being that you have proven to be a well balanced unbiased moderator in the past...(that is sarcasm by the way. Normally people dont have to point that out to half way intelligent people, but we have seen you make such mistakes before like that BJ joke that apparently went right over your head.)
Again with the obtuse lectures. With your own manufactured arguments that you pulled out of your ass and revised to help you in your pathetic agenda.Yes, and the ones who know when to hit a soft 18 are the smart players. I’ve seen countless people standing on soft 18 too, but they are just gamblers and ploppies. Just because you see other people doing it doesn’t mean it is correct. I though we had covered that already when we pointed out that casino employees often give bad advice too. A smart player should know better.
Are you sure? What’s the difference in EV? Do you know how much this play is costing you? If not, here's a hint:
Hit: -0.354
Split: -0.047
As you can see, splitting those sevens is almost break even as opposed to a much bigger loss. That is why proper BS is so important. Just a few mistakes like this can turn a winning player into a losing one.
First off i never said i didnt split my 77s. I said i never used to do it against a dealer's 7. A hand that i see like once in 6 weeks if at all. It would be one thing if you are talking about a common hand instead of one that is as rare as a blue moon in SD and DD which are the only games i play!!!
Its no wonder i am not broke because i missed one blipping rule!!!! Or may be the money i made last week was all mythical. I must have been dreaming or some ****!!!
.Look, you can call me an a$$hole all day long and I won’t disagree.
I dont need to do that...You make a bang up job presenting yourself as one to this whole forum. And you are suceeding well!! (kinda like that last time when you posted those stupid arguments that i used to make a fool out of you and you closed the thread to avoid being embarrassed..:laugh: )
sagefr0g said:the degree of difficulty that counting represents is probably greater or lesser for differant individuals. for me it's not so difficult however it becomes a distasteful task over time especially when negative results present in relatively rare positive ev situations.
one might ask one's self why is it i like playing blackjack. for me it's a matter of having fun while making money. but for me the drudgery aspect of counting can out weigh the positive aspect of making some money to the point where i might as well be working. so that's for me pretty much the why of it. the point being trying to turn advantage play blackjack into a fun sport sort of like basketball or golf.
EasyRhino said:I'm not sure if the tit-for-tat message quoting and debating is really accomplishing anything. Especially when the quotes get mangled.
Bigjamesjames, your early sarcastic comment about using stop losses, martingaling, and getting a bj at the table... I honestly didn't read that as sarcasm. Especially since you hade previously posted about leaving losing tables, and using martingale as a cover play. Plus, I thought that BJ referred to "blackjack", not the fun kind.
Regardless, there are reasons for concern in some of your posts. The main reason is because it's really hard for a player to catch mistakes in their own game. So whenever you do catch a mistake in your game (flubbing the count, missing a payoff error, etc), that means there may be many other mistakes that you're not catching. Too many mistakes changes you from a winning game to a losing game. This is why serious teams emphasize a "check out" process, where play is rigorously tested by another player before the new player hits the tables. It's much easier for an outside observer to catch the mistakes.
There are a few items that are especially important.
1) Basic Strategy is the foundation for everything. The improvement in odds that you get from nailing that is far more significant than any amount of counting. Playing BS like an "average" gambler (has the general scheme of BS, but with common mistakes like splits and A,7), will entirely wipe out whatever gains you may have gotten from even a fairly strong count game.
The edge is that close, and [i[that[/i] fragile.
But also, maybe making the BS error is a "canary in the coal mine", and there is a possibility that there are other BS mistakes, or errors in maintaing the count, or maybe strategy deviations made at counts that don't support them, that might snowball into a really big mess.
2) While playing with the cow, you bet a purple chip. Unless your bankroll is north of $40,000, this is an overbetting of your bankroll, even with a TC of +4. If your bankroll is that big, then hey, more power to ya. But if it is not, then overbetting the bankroll is a cardinal sin of card counting. I don't care if you were using the Martingale as an excuse while increasing your bets, you stop the progression when you peg at your max bet.
The general progression of skills is that first you play sloppily, then you learn to play perfectly, then you try to look like you're playing sloppily for cover. And there's a huge difference between looking sloppy and playing sloppy. I know because I've made some huge sloppy mistakes. With some, I've gotten really lucky, but with others I've been pounded into the ground.
shadroch said:One minute he is insisting he plays only SD,but then he claims he only makes a mistake once every four or five shoes.
I will give him this,the boy has a vivid imaginaion.
Once again, I might add! z(boom:laughbiggamejames said:[Sonny,] Your web of lies is now entangling you!!!
I’m simply trying to correct your errors. You say that not knowing proper BS (splitting 7,7 vs. 7 and hitting A,8) doesn’t make a difference. It does. You say that bad players at the table will hurt you. They don’t. You say that “cold” tables and “paying” dealers will help you. They don’t. You say that such superstitious beliefs do not hurt you. They do. You say that the risk of overbetting at high counts is minimal. It is not. You say that smart gamblers will use stop-loss bankrolls to “press their play.” They don’t.biggamejames said:Why are you even posting this ****? Are you now trying to pretend like you came here to debate the merits of cover play or start childish flame wars.
Man,if you are going to correct each of his mistakes and nonsensical posts,you may have to take a sabbatical from your real job.Sonny said:I’m simply trying to correct your errors. You say that not knowing proper BS (splitting 7,7 vs. 7 and hitting A,8) doesn’t make a difference. It does. You say that bad players at the table will hurt you. They don’t. You say that “cold” tables and “paying” dealers will help you. They don’t. You say that such superstitious beliefs do not hurt you. They do. You say that the risk of overbetting at high counts is minimal. It is not. You say that smart gamblers will use stop-loss bankrolls to “press their play.” They don’t.
I apologize if you’re sick of my pompous, obtuse and “flatulent” lectures, but some people on this board want to learn more about this game. Some people don’t ignore the “mundane” math and actually learn something from it. I’ll continue to post it for their benefit despite it being wasted on you.
wait, you mean this isn't his real job?shadroch said:Man,if you are going to correct each of his mistakes and nonsensical posts,you may have to take a sabbatical from your real job.
And don't forget all of the vulgar insults I've been removing! I got so tired that I actually stopped removing the ones about me since his rebuttals don't make much sense without them. If you remove all of the personal attacks and profanity you aren't left with many words.shadroch said:Man,if you are going to correct each of his mistakes and nonsensical posts,you may have to take a sabbatical from your real job.