biggamejames said:
When you posted that question, i actually thought you were asking sort of a rhetorical question for the purpose of debating the logic in guestimating the count rather than just counting it.
thats understandable. but yeah i'm really interested in the subject. i do understand the liabilities involved in such a tact.
biggamejames said:
Its essentially the same thing. Some people have good memories and are good at storing pictorial data instantly, others are good at.
unfortunately neither of those are my strong suit. but i've always had a bent towards good estimation skills and a sensitivity for symetry or the lack there of. like the detective Monk on tv if 'things aren't just so' i'm compulsively on to it. over the couple of years that i did use orthodox counting methods i developed a sensitivity to the sense that 'there is something rotten in Denmark' when it comes to blackjack ie. such as when the count isn't positive you can just about hang it up baby. on the other hand i developed a
real healthy respect for positive counts and just how rare and tenuous the advantage afforded is of those counts. talking six deck games here. evaluating the game on a round by round basis through guestimation is beautifully simple. the problem i'm having is knowing the cumulative value of the game after a series of rounds have passed. the picture becomes pretty darned hazy as the rounds go by. especially if the actual true count is going up and down a lot as opposed to a fairly steady climb or fall. then there is the problem of how to ramp your bets with a hazely percieved positive true count. i look for unusually large jumps in the RC for a round of around +3 or +4 and if that happens a couple of rounds in a row or in a series of rounds where no RC change occurs besides a couple of +3 or +4 RC's i know things are getting juicy or if three or four rounds go by where the RC goes +1 or +2 per round.
all the while watching the discard tray so as to know how many decks are left unseen.
under these circumstances you can start ramping up your bets and continue watching on a round by round basis to see how the count is changing.
the other thing that i do is to make sure that the shoe i'm playing is at least positve. i'll let it go maybe tc -1 or tc -0 for a few rounds but any lower or more rounds pass by then i'm out of Dodge. also if the true is zero or minus one and i get a RC of -4 or lower for any given round then i'll wong out. i'm saying these RC values in this post as if i'm counting the RC but actually i can just see it by just watching the cards on the table rather than actually counting out the RC.
it's kind of like hearding cats ...:joker: :cat: :joker: