Well-Known Member
All of this hair-splitting could have been avoided if you had given your definition of "professional", as I suggusted early on. It is not nearly as cut and dry as you seem to think. In looking up professional in 4 different dictionaries, I find between 4 and 13 definitions listed in each dictionary, including "acheiving a certain level of skill or expertise".Craps Master said:What is the point of all the hair-splitting in this thread? The question is "are you a professional blackjack player" not "are you a non-professional blackjack player who is more skilled than some professionals?" It's not a matter of skill, talent, bet size, EV, bankroll, record-keeping or anything like that. It's mostly just a matter of time. Professionals generally spend more time playing blackjack than other people, seeing as how they don't have full-time jobs getting in the way of their ability to log hours plying their trade. Success is also not a component. Believe it or not, there are professional blackjack players who are also bustouts, some periodically, some perpetually. Let's not get sidetracked with a bunch of nonsense in answering what should be a very easy yes/no question.
I suggested that you difine it to avoid all this, which those of us that have seen this topic before, knew was coming. Then people could have just answered whether they met your definition. Would have been much easier.