Well, I guess you've gathered by now that I happen to be of the opinion that I don't really think such a thing is possible but so what.
I trust you - I'm just suggesting before you spend money on this, let alone weeks and months, maybe years of practice, even if you do not have this pyramid backing stuff, from which I assume whatever you are doing now likely makes it even more likely that you can control the dice compared to once you start practicing on a 14-foot craps table, or even 12 foot if some of them are smaller like that, that you record what you got.
Like I said, if your goal is to not roll a 7, that's fine. Just record the throws after you've made a point or whatever. Whatever - just record the throws you make with a stated goal. If you have different goals from time to time, roll a 7, don't roll a 7, make a die land on an axis, etc, just record all throws with that goal.
At worst, it can't hurt to have a methodology going forward by which you can measure whether your results are explained by random luck or are so unlikely to have been produced by random luck that the explanation of influencing the result becomes convincing.
Have you already convinced yourself, like it maybe seems to me, that you have succeded with whatever you're doing now? After a week? If so, what has convinced you it's time to invest money in this project?
Hope you're using those precision-milled transparent Vegas dice for practice. Surely, your spots are at least not ground out!?
Hey, have fun. Pursue your dreams. Whether you fail or succeed, you'll likely learn something in the process.
At least I insisted on a cup with a trip wire in it when playing backgammon so people couldn't just slide them out without even spinning

Heck just control that and you could make a fortune.
Used 2 different colored dies too so at least I'd know it wasn't, or was, the same one that kept having a six!
Insisted on rounded corners too. Don't know why Vegas insists on cubes.
Hey, convince me, and you have an investor. Won't play backgammon with you though
I forgot - if so, you likely won't be talking about it and certainly wouldn't need an investor lol.