how complicated the smallest thing is
aslan said:
Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf clovers. Anon
who is Anon? is that Mr. Anonymous?

but i can relate to that quote. take my driveway for instance. lmao
i've owned the same home a little less than twenty years. and all that time it had the same gravel driveway it had when we first moved in. thing is all that time we were either too broke or i was to cheap to have it paved. but of anything to do with the property it was getting that driveway paved that was something i wanted. lol. when ever it rained a lot or snowed a lot the thing was a murkey, sloppy mess for us all to deal with. call it procrastination and overly cheap or what ever, the job just never got done as much as i wanted it to be. finally the other day there was a knock at my door. i answer the door and it's this guy (who was not procrastinating and was not cheap lol). he tells me he's just finished a blacktop job and has enough asphalt left over to do my driveway. so he gives me an estimate on the job. a fair price.
and here is the point. don't you know i waffled on the deal? i was so indecisive (still cheap, still ignorant after all those years lol) that the guy almost walked away. my wife nosey as she can be lmao, over hears all this.
she knows all too well how i've gone on about wanting to get that driveway done. lmao. she whispers through the screen door "tell him you'll take it Turkey it's a good deal". bells went off in my head, suddenly i was as if i was a genius. the deal of a lifetime and cheap too dropped right in my lap and i was to dull to see it. so a long story, short with a little help i took the deal and we now after nearly twenty years have a paved driveway that was both a fair price and was effortless on my part.
the point being,
all it took was recognizing a bit of luck for what it was.
Nothing is left to chance.
not as far as God's part in it, maybe you mean?
but maybe for us it's like we haven't a clue and so it might as well be chance or even could be chance.
Life is a combination of what you make it plus whatever is destined to be.
so we are left with a decision of what to buy into, what is the value and will that value be realized?
and whatever is destined to be is really for us in our ignorance just a formidable list of many 'world' possibilities.
should we guess it right or should it just happen to us, the element of our uncertainty and what turns out to be, becomes luck one way or the other.
Luck, good and bad, comprises the latter. It is, therefore, immutable.
it may be immutable. the point is though to realize it's power in our lives.
the idea of realizing the role our uncertainty and the decisions we make in that uncertainty plays in our lives.
Looking for it is a waste of time.
not realizing the extent of our ignorance is perhaps just as bad or worse.
like maybe luck is a sure thing but even though it is, it is unpredictable and can be missed or not recognized for what it is.
our knowledge i suppose can help only to a certain extent up to the point where the knowledge is either faulty or incomplete. and who can know it all anyway?
perhaps what it boils down to is that luck both good and bad is going to happen even though we want the good and don't want the bad.
that being the case what are we to do? for one thing recognize that either is likley to happen and be vigilant on the look out for both.
if we can mitigate the extreme of the bad and accept the extreme of the good and the mediocre we can come out ahead.
just the point i was trying to make in this post:
"ok and like aslan was saying it's just possible that when he cut his bet that he may in that instance have avoided some negative variance. so if that were the case he's 'locked in some loot' (for the time being) and if it's not the case and either he would have hit his mark for further ev or even positive variance then he is till making some loot (albeit less than optimal).
sounds like a win/win situation that is in a non-predictable situation to me for a given moment in time! (given it's short run and even to some extent if it were long run being that ROR is a distinct possibility)"
so but earlier in that thread of posts you'd alluded to the idea of greed. lol.
it seems a reasonable point and not one that stands alone. consider greed and the concept of ignorance or a confidence to accept some degree of risk.
the orthodox counter can become so wealthy if he just accepts some degree of risk. (and remmember that degree of risk could be complete ruin). the question becomes is a lesser degree of profit acceptable in exchange for a greater degree of certainty and at some point virtually no risk?
so yeah "life is a combination of what you make it plus what ever is destined to be." just lets know what we want and lets be humble enough to accept it and be thankful for it when we recieve it.
Mathew 18.9
"And if thine eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire"
may we just have the capability to measure the extent to which something is offensive and the courage to cast off that which is. lol